Case Based Reasoning Project Presentation Presenter: Madan Bharadwaj Instructor: Dr. Avelino Gonzalez
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Agenda Problem Definition Approaches considered Program Structure Relevant Results Conclusion Summary
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Introduction What is Case Based Reasoning? What is knowledge in CBR? Implementation issues in CBR
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Problem Definition Given: # Case Library of 21 cases # 7 test cases # Information about the domain Develop a CBR System Using any Programming Language
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Approaches Considered Use Domain Thresholds from Handouts Extract rules from Case Library Pattern Matching and Thresholds Pattern Matching
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Chosen Approach Pattern Matching only Justification
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Choice of Prog. Language Visual Basic vs C++ VB advantages C++ Disadvantages Pros of using C++ Ideally…
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Program Structure Initialize Case Library Take Test Case Input Pattern Matching with all cases in Case Library Compare Pattern Matching results for closest match Display
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Results To Prove Credibility of System test with # Library Case # Sample case similar to Library Case Test with given test cases
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Library Case Results Chosen Library Case: Case #2 100% Match Closest Match: Library Case #2 Diagnosis: LEAK
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Test case (like Lib. Case) Input parameters similar to Library Case # % Match Closest Match: Case #2 Diagnosis: LEAK
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Other Test Case Results Answers unknown Checked intuitively for correctness
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Adaptation Adaptation not used Possible, but needs expert help during design time to ensure correctness
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Augmentations Graphical Display Case Library in Database More checks for faulty inputs
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Conclusion Case Library dependent Better performance in Weak-theory domains Simple Design Execution time Lack of Intuitive Knowledge
Case Based Reasoning Project for the class EEL 6876-Intelligent Diagnostics at UCF. Fall 2002 Summary Purely Case Based Approach Used Pattern Matching Tested with fabricated cases Augmentations Conclusions derived