Buckinghamshire County Council ISP Network Meeting Buckinghamshire November 2009 Kate Rumboll, Cathy Tracy and Sarah Leonard
Buckinghamshire County Council Agenda What works well - input from two Bucks Headteachers –Current ISP discussion –How can we help? Exploring Tracking Coffee Hay Group Research –Discussion Next term? –Reflection and plans –New RAPs, outcome driven Lunch
Buckinghamshire County Council Tracking
Buckinghamshire County Council Reading Writing Maths John Rachel Ahmed Naima Carly On track for age-related expectation at end-of-year
Buckinghamshire County Council 5 Class Tracker Whole-school tracker
Buckinghamshire County Council ISP Electronic TrackerTracker
Buckinghamshire County Council Y6 Predictions, Dec 2010 Children currently at Level 3a or above “honest” predictions by your Y6 teacher(s) NOT targets NOT FFT predictions Deadline – 10am Monday, December 14th
Buckinghamshire County Council Coffee Break
Buckinghamshire County Council Hay Group Research
Buckinghamshire County Council ISP Network Meeting Part Three Next Steps
Buckinghamshire County Council Quality of Teaching grid
Buckinghamshire County Council Spring Term RAP Writing What will be the same? –An opportunity to meet with all parties to bring as much expertise to the table as possible and to ensure that ISP / SIP / in-school developments are all focused on specific, strategic outcomes –A continued focus on the three key themes – accelerated progress and raising standards, improving teaching and learning and leading on learning –An overview of current attainment of pupils and assessment of the current quality of teaching and learning
Buckinghamshire County Council Spring Term RAP Writing What has evolved? –Review of Autumn term progress –Schools to present three, whole school priorities for the term which will be addressed in the RAP. These are likely to have emerged from school development work in the autumn term, work with the SIP, latest ‘Raise Online’ data and work with the ISP consultant. –Schools have an overview of how these priorities might be addressed through use of capacity available in school, SIP support, accessing generic training offered by the LA and through the continued tailored support offered by the ISP consultant
Buckinghamshire County Council Autumn to Spring RAP More effective use of assessment to close gaps by improving pupil progress meetings and the evaluation of their impact Development of Venn diagrams, class trackers and pupil progress meetings More effective use of differentiation and guided group work to ensure that all pupils make good and some pupils (spotlight group) make accelerated progress Attainment of target groups – Afro-Caribbean and more able boys More effective dissemination of good practice in modelling to improve practice in guided group and whole class teaching Quality first teaching – modelling and demonstrating
Buckinghamshire County Council Theme One Examples ObjectivesSuccess CriteriaActions To improve the effectiveness of pupil progress meetings Pupil progress meetings are more supportive for teachers because they help them to identify the specific areas of learning where spotlight children need assistance and more informative for SMT who will be able to better evaluate and monitor the quality of guided group work observed around the school To undertake pupil progress meetings with all staff following end-of-autumn term assessment and to use APP to work with staff to identify how they will close gaps for specific groups of pupils, including spotlight pupils (high achieving boys and Afro Caribbean children) To improve the effectiveness of pupils progress meetings – impact on one-to-one tuition One-to-one tutors are well informed about the specific gaps of their tutees and are addressing these in sessions To ensure that spotlight pupils are participating in one-to-one tuition and monitor teachers’ use of APP data to inform tutors about next steps
Buckinghamshire County Council Theme Two Examples ObjectivesSuccess CriteriaActions To improve teachers’ skills in differentiating work when children are supported by an additional adult TAs report that they are fully conversant with planning and success criteria for lessons. Sessions led by TAs are tightly focused and children make good progress in these parts of lessons. Phase group leaders to spend time sharing good practice for sharing planning with TAs and on ensuring that TAs are fully conversant with outcomes / success criteria for lessons. To improve teachers’ skill in delivering focused guided group work shaped by use of the APP criteria – focus on Year 3 (ref, attainment milestones) Guided group work impacts on standards of the spotlight group in Year 3, closing attainment gaps. Coaching model to be used over a term to improve guided group work in Year 3: model effective practice, team teach and coaching style review of practice and impact
Buckinghamshire County Council Theme Three Examples ObjectivesSuccess CriteriaActions To improve the quality of modelling in whole class and guided group teaching – understanding techniques and their value Staff to understand how and why modelling is a central part of pedagogy for improving outcomes. Staff to use modelling more effectively in whole class and guided group teaching Key Stage 1 phase leader to attend LA twilight on modelling and work with ISP consultant to devise a series of staff meetings on improving modelling skills To improve the quality of modelling in whole class and guided group teaching – gathering ideas for dissemination Build capacity and understanding of the techniques and value of modelling. Build staff capacity to learn from good practice and disseminate – developing leadership skills Year 5 and 6 staff to visit Coconut Beach Primary School (identified through liaison group as effective in its use of modelling) to observe good practice in modelling in lessons
Buckinghamshire County Council Ways forward Three overarching objectives which shape all RAP / school development actions Delivering the objectives – –What has the school the capacity to deliver? –What can the SIP deliver? –What can collaborative working with other schools deliver? –What can generic LA support deliver? –What can the tailored ISP programme deliver? Support from ISP consultant What will the impact be – how will it be measured?
Buckinghamshire County Council Time to reflect
Buckinghamshire County Council Next term RAP writing ( s to confirm) ISP Network Meeting - Tuesday March 16 th 2010, am –Chartridge ISP Network Meeting – Friday June 18 th 2010, am –Chartridge