Personnel Security Investigation Portal (PSIP): Update and Discussion Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) Dated: August 2014
What are Personnel Security Investigations (PSI)? An investigation required for the purpose of: determining suitability for Federal employment determining eligibility for access to classified information or assignment to sensitive duties obtaining a security clearance IT access All permanent Army civilian positions require some level of investigation based on the position sensitivity designation (and risk level) SF85 (Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions) SF-85P (Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions) SF-86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions) What are Personnel Security Investigations (PSI)? All DoD civilian employees are required to undergo some sort of background check. There are different levels of investigations. The type of investigation required depends on the position sensitivity. Positions that require handling or viewing of secret documents would require a different level of investigation then a position that only handles routine information. For us in the HR world, we tend to be familiar and make reference to the SF-85, SF-85P and SF-86. These are the forms used to request investigations and which the tentative selectee completes. The SF-85 is the Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions, the SF-85P is the Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions and the SF-86 is the Questionnaire for National Security Positions. Generally speaking, if the position does not require a security clearance then the SF-85 is used. If the position does require a security clearance, the SF-86 is used. Child care positions require the SF-85P. Position Sensitivity: Code 1 – Non-sensitive – Investigation required (NACI) Code 2 – Noncriticial-sensitive - Investigation required (ANACI/NACLC) Code 3 – Critical-sensitive - Investigation required (SSBI/SSBI-PR) Code 4 – Special-sensitive- Investigation required (SSBI/SSBI-PR)
What is PSIP? Personnel Security Investigation Portal (PSIP) The automated starting point for requesting personnel security investigations (PSI) Work order for requesting an investigation Note: PSIP Requestor Guide at:
Coverage & Exclusions PSIP applies to APF and NAF Does not apply to the following unless computer access or access to multiple locations is required for the following: Summer hire positions Positions NTE 120 days Army security regulation AR 380-67 specifies 120 days versus 180 days stated in 5 CFR 731.104©
PSI Requests: Before PSIP Processes differ CPAC by CPAC At some locations, the security office (SO) processes all personnel security investigations with little CPAC involvement At other locations, the CPACs process the SF-85/85P and Security Office (SO) processed the SF-86 In some cases, the CPAC processes all personnel security investigations, the SF-85, SF-85P and SF-86
Command Security Office Center of Excellence (CoE) Main Players Manager/Commander Local Security Office Command Security Office CPAC Center of Excellence (CoE)
PSIP: Role of the Local Security Office PSIP does not change the authority of the local or command security offices Local SO still responsible for waiver and interim security approval process The only change is that the CoE now processes the PSI request CoE will provide the CPAC/SO (requester/alternate requester) with a copy of the completed SF-8X (usually within 9 days of PSIP submission)
Role of the Center of Excellence (CoE) Process all PSI requests submitted by CPACs and SOs Works directly with the tentative selectee (subject): Contacts the tentative selectee to start the SF-8X process Reviews the selectee’s SF-8X for errors and completeness Provides guidance to the selectee on any matter pertaining to the SF-8X Establishes a deadline for employees with escalations that include supervisor and Requester/Alternate Requester) 5-10-15 calendar day escalation notices
Role of the Center of Excellence (CoE) Cont. Provides assistance to the CPAC and SO Answers and resolves PSIP login problems PSIP Case Management Provides the CPAC/SO with a copy of the completed SF-8X (usually within 9 days of PSIP submission) Submits the completed SF-8X and fingerprints to OPM Contact the CoE directly with any PSIP related issue to include: --PSIP login problems --PSIP user id and/or password not working (or forgot) --Check the status of your PSIP request --Problem with your PSIP request? CoE Telephone number: 410-278-4194, DSN 298
Role of the CPAC Submit PSIP requests for new hire Assist the CoE in escalation situations Suitability processing and adjudication where applicable Create and maintain suitability files Suitability applies to the SF-85/85P only – not the SF-86 (security clearances) At some locations the local or command SOs make suitability determinations. Examples are USACE, Depots, and MTFs .
Sensitive (SF-86) vs. Non-Sensitive Positions (SF-85/85P) Important differences: Non-sensitive positions do not require a security clearance Non-sensitive positions generally only require a NACI and a suitability determination Non-sensitive positions generally do not require an interim from your local SO Note: Practices and/or guidance on this topic may differ at the installation level. If there is a conflict or disagreement, local security office guidance applies CPACs make the interim suitability determinations based on OF 306, FBI finger print check, and completed SF 8X form. If the local or command SO makes suitability determinations, then it depends on the local agreement on who makes the interim determination. The interim MUST be made prior to EOD per DoDI 1400.25, Volume 731, Encl 3, para 4b-c.
PSIP Overview: Process Flow Requester (CPAC or SO) submits PSIP Request Center of Excellence (CoE) Tentative Selectee (also known as the Subject) OPM* Who is requester? Center of Excellence (CoE) Requester Alternate Requester * The CoE cannot submit to OPM until fingerprints are received
Investigative Results OPM Suitability (SF-85/85P) Security Clearances (SF-86) OPM conducts an investigation and sends the results to: OPM conducts an investigation and sends the results to: DoD CAF or CPAC or SO Where the investigations end up for adjudication depends on the following: If CPAC or SO has access to CATS and the required BI The all the conditions are met in #1, then the investigations go to the DoD CAF, who makes only favorable determinations. Those cases the CAF cannot favorably adjudicate are sent back to the component for adjudication (CPAC or SO). The component adjudicator depends on who currently makes suitability determinations at that location. If the CPAC or SO does not meet the requirements in #1, then they cases go back to the CPAC or SO for adjudication and not the CAF. Access to CATS is the key to be able to receive the cases the CAF cannot favorable adjudicate and to view the information on the cases the CAF has adjudicated. Without that access the CPAC cannot do its job. The SOI used in this situation for PSIP requests should be the SOI of the CPAC or SO, whichever is applicable for the location. The CPACs also need to meet the training requirements of the on line and classroom training. Central Clearance Facility (CCF) Security Office
PSIP Overview for SF-85 or SF-85P CPAC receives tentative selection CPAC makes tentative offer and requests selectee to complete OF 306 and finger prints If derogatory information on 306 and/or FBI finger print check, pass to MER for review If no derogatory extend firm job offer; otherwise wait for MER OF 306 must and finger prints MUST be completed by the tentative selectee before making a firm job offer and submitting the PSIP request. Once the selectee has completed the appropriate form and it has been reviewed and compared to the OF 306, then the EOD can be set. Submit PSIP Request (see next slide)
PSIP Overview for SF-85 or 85P (cont) CPAC (and alternate req) receives email copy of completed SF-85/85P from the CoE CPAC Complete and Submit PSIP request Selectee completes appropriate form (SF8X) CPAC reviews for derog info, The PSIP request should be submitted at least 14 days before the EOD, HOWEVER: ● The PSIP request should be submitted no earlier then 18 calendar days from the date fingerprints will be completed (if more than 18 days, must notify CoE of status and when fingerprints will be completed) – may result in termination of your PSIP request If no derog set EOD. If derog send to MER for review
PSIP Overview: SF-86 CPAC receives tentative selection CPAC works with tentative selectee to complete OF 306 and finger prints Submit PSIP request CoE emails CPAC/alt req a copy of the employee completed SF-86 ● OPTIONAL STEP: Check with your local security office to determine if the selectee already has a PSI. Coordinate this step with your local security office. ● OF 306 and finger prints must be completed by the tentative selectee before submitting the PSIP request. ● CoE will provide the requester and alternate a copy of the completed SF-86 usually within 9 calendar days of PSIP request submission. Local/Command security office provides CPAC with waiver to allow EOD to be set
Impact of PSIP Does not change CPAC procedure or guidance on establishing effective dates CPAC still determines when effective date is established based on CHRA, Regional or local requirements Does require OF 306 and finger prints to be completed by the selectee before firm job offer is extended OF 306 is required in order to submit the PSIP request and to make an initial suitability determination Finger prints are required for the FBI finger print check FBI finger print results MUST be back and reviewed prior to firm job offer being issued.
PSIP Account Registration and Approval Procedures To register go to the PSIP web site: PSIP Requestor Guide for registration procedures is on the CHRA GPS at: New users must first register and build their profile at the PSIP web site before requesting account approval Note: If you forget your password or have login problems (once your account is approved), please contact the Center of Excellence call center at (410) 278-4194/DSN 298-4194 for assistance.
PSIP Account Registration and Approval Procedures Cont. Disabled accounts Existing PSIP account but have not used it within the past 30 days Log in at least once every 30 days even if you do not need to use it or Contact one of the CHRA HQ POCs to have them re-approve your account.
PSIP Logon Procedures (continued) After initial registration, additional screens will not be available until registration is approved by the PSI-CoE Once approval is requested to the POCs below, account approval takes about 1-2 work days APF: NAF: The PSI-CoE verifies the individual requesting access has the appropriate investigation completed in CATS/JPAS.
PSIP Users Each CPAC must identify their PSIP users No limit to number of users CPAC PSIP users must have at least a NACI For local nationals, since they do not undergo the same background checks that US employees do, the CPAC Chief can recommend approval Include a statement in the request for account approval email that the CPAC Chief recommends approval
Who Submits the PSIP Request – CPAC or SO? CPAC has primary responsibility for submitting new hire PSIP requests Either the CPAC or SO has the capability to submit PSIP Requests Must register in PSIP and have PSIP accounts approved by the PSI-CoE SO may submit PSIP requests as coordinated with the CPAC SO submits PSIP requests for periodic reinvestigations for clearances. CPAC submits period reinvestigations for CYSS and SHARP positions.
When Does a PSIP Request Have to be Initiated? When there is a personnel action and the selectee needs a personnel security investigation New hire action Promotion or reassignment to a position that requires a higher PSI A personnel action moving the employee into a different position that requires a higher PSI Case situation: Simon applies for a promotion and is selected. The new job requires a security clearance. Simon only has a NACI and no security clearance. Since the position requires a secret clearance, Simon must complete the SF-86. The CPAC should initiate a PSIP request for a SF-86 (secret clearance).
When a PSIP Request Does NOT Have to be Initiated Not all recruit actions require a PSIP request If the selectee already has the required personnel security investigation or if for non-sensitive or public trust, a favorable suitability adjudication, there is no need to submit a PSIP request How do you know if the tentative selectee already has the appropriate PSI? Answer 1: Contact your local security office and they can check JPAS for you. JPAS is a security system that maintains security data for all active military, reservists, civilian employees and contractors. Answer 2: Submit the PSIP request and the CoE will let you know by email if a PSI is not required. Answer 3: This answer only applies to a favorable suitability adjudication - if not documented in JPAS, certificate of investigation should be in OPF. This generally applies to NACIs processed over 10-15 or more years ago.
Setting the EOD for Non-sensitive Positions Non-Sensitive Positions - minimum standard: OF 306 completed by the tentative selectee and reviewed for derogatory information; FBI finger print check returned and reviewed for derogatory information; and Completed SF-85X, reviewed before setting EOD Compare to OF 306 for discrepancies Firm offer made prior to PSIP request
Setting the EOD for Sensitive Positions OF 306 completed by the tentative selectee and reviewed for derogatory information; and PSIP submitted; and Interim from local security office; and Follow any local policies, regional and CHRA guidance in effect
Fingerprints A Personnel Security Investigation cannot be submitted to OPM without fingerprints No Fingerprints, No Investigation Use digital fingerprints when possible Fedex’ing not required When do fingerprints have to be submitted?
Fingerprints: Mailing Address When only hardcopy fingerprints are possible, send them to PSI-CoE at: Mailing fingerprints to the PSI-CoE: ATTN: Fingerprint Team DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PSI Center of Excellence Bldg 3240 Raritan Ave Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 21005-5001
PSIP: SOI Block Non-sensitive positions (SF-85/85P): Use CPAC or SO SOI if they do not have access to the CATS portal SOIs for DoD CAF are below if the CPAC/SO has access to CATS portal DODS for suitability DODH for HSPD-12 determinations Sensitive positions (SF-86): For positions that require a security clearance, the CoE will ensure that the correct SOI (A334-CCF) is submitted to OPM. Access to the CATS portal is vital in order to view, receive, and input adjudications into CATS. CATS is the DoD portal used to track investigations, send and receive information form the DoD CAF, and to retrieve and input data for adjudications. DoD CAF send those suitability investigations back to the component adjudicators (CPACs or SOs) if they cannot make a favorable determination. Therefore, if the CPAC does not have the required BI or a TS and does not have access to CATS, then the investigations need to be sent back to the CPAC or SO for adjudication. If the DoD CAF is used the CPAC MUST make sure the CPAC UIC is on the PSIP request in order to receive information from the CAF in CATS.
Final Results from OPM: SF-85/85P SF-85/85P Final Results from OPM Results are documented in the CATS portal if CPAC has that access If still receiving hard copy investigations from OPM INV 79 A is completed and sent back to OPM COI is signed and filed in the eOPF record Only if favorable suitability determination is made
Final Results from OPM: SF-86 SF-86 Results: CPAC only involved if the employee was not able to obtain a security clearance
PSIP References CHRA GPS web site at: Important References: DoDI 1400.25, Volume 731 PSI-CoE Requestor Guide