Quarterly Grant Managers Meeting 06/17/15
Agenda Data Security Policy: Information Technology Security Office Update Richard Biever and Cara Bonnett Closeout Implementation Project Michelle Rigsbee and Nate Martinez-Wayman NCE Electronic Requests Project Update Klugh Jordan and Keith Hurka-Owen ORS New and Key Sponsor Updates Susan Lasley and Keith Hurka-Owen
ORS News Introducing Katherine Calderone New AD with SSRI portfolio Announce the hiring of Broderick Grady Starting 12/29/15 DGHI/International Portfolio Portfolio reassignments will happen at the beginning of the year Grants, Contracts & Compliance Workshops Subcontract Classes
Key Sponsor Updates - NIH Sec NIH Genomic Data Sharing: Requires that applications proposing to generate large-scale human and/or non-human genomic data are expected to include a genomic data sharing plan; requires that applicants who wish to use controlled-access human genomic data from NIH-designated data repositories briefly address their plans for requesting access to the data in the application, and state their intention to abide by the NIH Genomic Data User Code of Conduct.
Key Sponsor Updates - NIH NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy Effective January 25, 2015, the NIH implemented the Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy [ to establish expectations around “the broad and responsible sharing of genomic research data” for NIH- funded research. This impacts all competing grant applications and contract proposals submitted on or after January 25, 2015.Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy New NIH grants and contracts involving large-scale human and non-human genomic data must include a data sharing plan. Detailed FAQs and other policy information are available on the GDS home page [ home page To facilitate the identification of the studies subject to this policy at Duke, the eIRB and campus IRB applications will be revised in December to collect information about required data sharing, and provide a link to required Institutional Certification forms. School of Medicine researchers may direct questions about GDS to the Office of Research Administration. Campus researchers may direct questions to the Office of Research Support.Office of Research AdministrationOffice of Research Support
Key Sponsor Updates - NIH Sec Application Non-compliance: Reminds applicants that NIH may withdraw any application identified during the receipt, referral and review process that is not compliant with the instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, the Funding Opportunity Announcement, and relevant NIH Guide Notices. Subsequent subsections renumbered.
Key Sponsor Updates - NIH Sec Extension of Final Budget Period of a Previously Approved Project Period without Additional NIH Funds To reduce administrative burden, NIH will allow our recipients to reduce effort during a NCE without prior approval.
Key Sponsor Updates - NSF Significant NSF changes set for January Implementation Hard deadlines in FastLane Will be unable to submit after 5pm on the day of the deadline. Pilot no budget program. Math and Physics. Changes in Biosketch format Still 2 page limit, but no longer includes collaborators. Must be attached separately for each key person. Current and Pending Must be attached separately for each key person.
Key Sponsor Updates - NSF Significant NSF changes set for January Implementation Clerical and Administrative Costs Put it in the budget and justify the costs if you need them. If these costs are not included in the awarded budget, then you will need prior approval to have them included. Prior approvals are submitted through Notifications and Requests in Research.gov.