Articles of Confederation Constitutional Convention Plans & Compromises Article I Article II
The Articles of Confederation, created by Congress in 1777, is known as the first this of the United States of America.
What is Constitution?
The Articles of Confederation set up this, which allowed each state only one vote no matter the size.
What is a one-house legislature?
Lacking a chief executive and a judicial body, the Articles of Confederation lacked this power.
What is power to enforce laws?
Congress could request money from the states, but the Articles of Confederation did not allow Congress this power.
What is the power to tax?
Under the Articles of Confederation, sovereignty (or supreme power) was to lie in the hands of these.
What are the free, independent states?
In 1787, delegates met at this event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to create a new plan of government that would replace the Articles of Confederation.
What was the Constitutional Convention?
This New York lawyer proposed a convention to discuss a stronger government that would regulate and protect American trade interests.
Who was Alexander Hamilton?
This former general of the U.S. forces proposed a convention to discuss a stronger government that would enforce laws.
Who was George Washington?
Often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” this man proposed a stronger government based on the Virginia Plan.
Who is James Madison?
This Philadelphian wrote the final draft of the Constitution, starting with the words, “We the People…”
Who was Gouverneur Morris?
This plan for a new government called for a one- house legislature, having one vote per state, but also having the power to tax and a weak executive branch with two presidents.
What was the New Jersey Plan?
This plan for a new government called for a two-house legislature proportional to population, a chief executive (president), and a court system.
What was the Virginia Plan?
This suggestion by Roger Sherman called for a “Senate” with two representatives from each state, and a “House of Representatives” based on state population.
What was the Great Compromise?
This agreement gave southern states greater representation in congress by counting slaves as a certain proportion of a free person.
What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?
The controversy over slavery was threatening the unity between northern and southern states, so Congress agreed to postpone any laws addressing the slave trade until this year.
What was 1808?
Article I of the Constitution explains this branch of the federal government.
What is the Legislative Branch?
The number of representatives in this house of the Legislature is dependent on the population of each state, currently 1 for every 700,000 constituents.
What is the House of Representatives?
The number of representatives in this house of the Legislature is two for each of the 50 states.
What is the Senate?
Besides making laws and appropriating tax money, the Legislature has this grave responsibility.
What is declare war?
Since Senators have a six- year term limit, and they cannot all be up for reelection in the same year, Article I calls for this method of reelection.
What is a third of the Senate every two years?
Article II of the Constitution explains this branch of the federal government.
What is the Executive Branch?
These three requirements are all that are necessary in order to be the President of the United States.
What is 35 yrs. old, a natural born citizen, and a U.S. resident for at least 14 yrs.?
Besides enforcing the laws, proposing ideas for new laws, and affirming or vetoing new laws, the President’s second most important job is this.
What is Commander in Chief of the military?
The executive departments responsible for different areas of government, such as the Dept. of State, Dept. of Defense, etc., are known as this.
What is the Executive Cabinet?
This Amendment to the Constitution in this year limits the number of four-year terms a president may serve to no more than two.
What is the 22 nd Amendment in 1951?