By: Omar V.
During the Middle Ages, the poor people built their homes from stones and bricks made of mud. Many people had fireplaces and chimneys to keep them warm. Fireplaces and chimneys to heat their houses and to cook on, instead of an open fire in the middle. al/architecture/medhouses.htm
Churches added a part coming out crossways, so that the whole church was built in the shape of a cross. to give more room for people to see the mass, and to remind people how Jesus died on the cross architecture/churchparts.htm
At first, most castles had just one central tower, called the keep. A keep usually had two or three floors, with one big room on each floor. There was one big chimney running up the side, so each room had one giant fireplace to heat it. cture/castle.htm
histma.html School life was very differet in medieval Europe. Most schools had no access to books. Before printing was developed, books were enomously expensive and were not used in schools. In the schools girls wornt alowed in school only boys were, not even one school had girls. The school was the church.