RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Full Mission Simulation Report University/Institution Team Members Date
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR User Notes Please follow this template – I expect each and every question in here to be addressed in your presentation, plus anything else you would like to discuss Although it seems short, most items will take multiple slides, and please include data and pictures because they are the best way to show off your awesome payloads!
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR FMSTR Purpose By the time this report is scheduled to be reviewed, your payload should have reached a point to where it has been fully integrated and run in a flight condition. This allows you to see if the systems are performing together and collecting data as expected, and to ensure the payload will run for the entire flight. Any action items that come out of this will be critical to complete before the Launch Readiness Review to ensure your payload is, in fact, fully functional and will fly successfully in June. 3
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Mission Overview Brief, two liner, mission statement 4
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Mission Overview Give overview of test –Who, what, where, when, how long, how many times (if you’ve had multiple mission sims accounting for previously discovered issues, please discuss in the upcoming slides) –Explain if anything wasn’t in flight configuration (not fully integrated in canister, some PCB missing, etc) and WHY –Show a picture of your test setup 5
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Subsystem Overview You should be including, but are not limited to: Mechanical/Structure Electrical/ CDH Power (EPS) Software Science Please discuss the performance of each subsystem 6
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Mechanical/Structure Did the structure integrate as expected? Do you have a written integration procedure? Do you have a full parts list for integration plus spares? –You will not have a machine shop at Wallops, so be sure you BRING ALL PARTS YOU MAY NEED What does the payload weigh? –Will you need ballast to reach the 20 +/- 0.2 (or your half canister weight) requirement? How did you ballast? 7
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Mechanical/Structure For paired teams: What is the plan for integrating with your partner? –What will you use to connect to their payload? At what height? –What is your combined weight? –Where is your combined CG? FOR ALL TEAMS: What are the action items for structures between now and Launch Readiness Review? 8
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Electrical/CDH Did the electronics work? –Have they all been integrated with each other? –Did you test the activation system? Did it work? Did the electronics sample data? Have you retrieved the data? Does the data make sense? –***Show graphs and plots!*** What are the action items for electronics between now and Launch Readiness Review? 9
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Power (EPS) How did the batteries perform? –Initial/final voltages? Any malfunctions with regulators or unexpected power draws? What are the action items for power between now and Launch Readiness Review? 10
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Software Did the software run correctly? Were the sampling rates those that were expected? What are the action items for software between now and Launch Readiness Review? 11
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Action Item Summary Show a detailed schedule here for when the action items for each subsystem will be designed, tested, and completed 12
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Pictures You don’t need to put all pictures here, this is just a note to please include as many payload pictures from the test and graphs of testing results as possible! 13
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Conclusions Issues and concerns? Closing remarks Discuss Final Report – you don’t have to put anything here, this is just an FYI that we will be talking about this Discuss Check-In Procedure – same as report 14
RockSat-C 2013 FMSTR Appendix Extra/additional data plots Additional data not immediately relevant to presentation