Pep7 PartA Unit6
hen egg comes from It comes from the hen. Where does the egg come from?
A: Where does the ____ come from? B: It comes from the______. pork sweater ox beef
Hi! I’m little Rain Drop. Nice to meet you!
stream Where does the stream come from? It comes from the_________ rain
Oh, it’s hot! Ha,ha! I’m coming. Oh, I’m hot! Oh, it’s hot!
vapour Where does the vapour come from?Now I’m vapour. I’m vapour. I can fly! It comes from the_________ waterwater
sun ? ? ? How can the water become (变成) the vapour ? The sun shines, the water becomes the vapour.
Let’s play together. Now we are a cloud ! Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the_________ vapourvapour
Oh, I’m falling.
I’m little Rain Drop. I sleep in the ___________. The ___________ comes out. I am very hot. Now I am _____________. I see my sisters and brothers. We play together.Now I am a__________. Oh, I am heavy.I am falling( 掉落 ). Now I am_______________. vapoursuncloudrainstream
1. Where does the rain come from? 2. Where does the cloud come from? 3. Where does the vapour come from? 4. Where does the water come from?
vapour ( ) stream sun cloud rain Where does the come from ? It comes from the.