The Rise of Music Sound Recording and Popular Music
Music and the Internet “It’s not supposed to be a model for anything else. It was simply a response to a situation. We’re out of contract. We have our own studio. We have this new server. What the hell else would we do? This was the obvious thing. But it only works for us because of where we are.” —Radiohead’s Thom Yorke
Music and the Internet Cont. Other artist that have applied this idea – Saul Williams – Nine Inch Nails – Coldplay – Ok Go! (“Here We Go” again video v. EMI)
Music and Controversy Waltz: Dancing too close together Tango: The overly sexual movements; clergy condemned it Jazz Music: From the dances to the sound Rock and Roll: 1950s home values at risk Glam Rock: Gender roles Hip-Hop: Censorship and scandal with album covers Today: Who was your favorite group or singer? How old were you, and how important was this music to you? How has the way you listen to music changed over the last 5 year?
Important Music Inventions Edourad- Leon Scott de Martinville: French painter that conducted the first experiments with sound recording in 1850s Thomas Edison’s 1877 success of the phonograph and playing back sound Chichest Bell & Charles Summer Tainter’s graphophone from 1886 improved the sound quality of the phonograph Using Bell, Tainter & Edision’s idea, Emile Berliner created the gramophone in 1887 which was a much better machine for playing recors At first, recorded music originally used wax, which hindered the sound quality. Soon wax was replaced with shellac but due to the need of the material for WWII, Vinyl records became the primary material used in early 1940s – 33 1/2 rpm (revolutions per minute) LP (long play) record invented in 1948 by CBS Records creating 20 mins. of music on each side – 45-rpm record invented in 1949 by competitor RCA for jukeboxes – The LP became standard with the 45 for singles, and even 78s (before the 45) Plastic magnetic audiotape and tape players by German engineering in the 1940s – The audiotape permitted “home dubbing” – The Walkman Alan Blumin was an engineer who invented stereo sound in 1958 and now multiple sounds could be recorded Thomas Stockam invented digital recording in the 1970s and revolutionized how music would continue to be recorded Eventually compact discs came out in 1983
Music and The Internet Convergence MP3s and file sharing – MP3 format developed in – Supreme Court declared free music file-swapping illegal in – iTunes is the model for legal music downloading. Music in the cloud – No physical ownership of music – Subscription and cloud services “Music in the cloud” eliminates the physical ownership of music. Listeners use free or subscription streaming services such as Pandora to create Internet music radio channels accessible on almost any Internet- connected device.
Annual Vinyl, Tape, CD & Digital Sales