1 Transforming London’s Public Services 2 nd March 2010 London Councils’ priorities John O’Brien Chief Executive
2 The Manifesto for Londoners
3 Priorities – in summary ….. London boroughs are able to lead their local communities and, collectively, contribute to shaping London as a world city Greater local democratic influence over the commissioning of a wider range of public services To help councils and their partners do more, and better, with less
4 Context – why London Local Government? Track record on efficiency, improvement and delivery Quality of leadership – political, professional and managerial Commitment to collaboration London’s specific challenges require a more devolved approach
5 Manifesto for Londoners: issues 1.Health & social care 2.Worklessness 3.Adult skills 4.Local policing 5.Community justice & offender management 6.Child safety & achievement 7.Transport 8.Housing & investment 9.Climate change & retrofitting 10.Public places & public behaviour
6 Manifesto for Londoners – some specific priorities Health and Social Care Worklessness and skills Policing and community justice Re-generation and investment
7 £74 billion spend – 3 Key areas of focus Worklessness Anti-social behaviour by young people Managing chronic conditions Potential for 15% savings
8 Some wider issues in delivering on these priorities Finding the right spatial levels in London London’s funding The London performance regime