Medical English Stomatitis Presentation by group 0ne
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Goal Definition Epidemiology Causes Pathofisiology Sign and symptom Diagnostic inspection management
What is the stomatitis ??
Stomatitis Stomatitis deraived from stoma= mouth and itis = inflamation so stomatitis is inflamation of the mouth and lips. And disrupt a person ability to eat, to drink, to talk, and to sleep. Usually in the form of yellowish white ulser.This can include ulser as singular or more than one.
Type of stomatitis Viral. The stomatitis is caused by some form of virus within the body. Bacterial. This is an uncommon form but might occur if you already have a sore throat or through disease such as syphilis. Fungal. This can occur if you have a very low immune system or other health problems which might require a high use of antibiotics. Non infective. The most common reason for stomatitis is recurring mouth ulcers.
Epidemiology Happening in the area : The attack : throughtout the world About 20% people in the U.S. will have cancer sores at some point during their lifetime -- women more often than men. All individuals could be stricken Happening in the area : Mucous buccal ( the cheeks ) labial ( the lips ), the tongue, gums, the palate and the base of the mouth.
Causes Food hypersensitivity Bacterial or viral infection Hormonal changes Psychological stress Drugs and local trauma
pathophysiology Stomatitis usually begins with asymptomatic redness and erythema that progresses to minimally painful white patches to large, contiguous, acutely painful lesions. Sonis hypothesized that there are four major phases related to stomatitis. .
In phase I (inflammatory or vascular phase), shortly after a chemotherapy or radiation treatment (day zero), cytokines are released into the oral cavity that cause damage to local tissue. Additionally, continued chemotherapy causes increased vascularity and submucosal vascularity.
During phase II (epithelial phase), around days four to five, there’s a marked reduction in the renewal of epithelial cells; thus, no new cells are available for repair or replacement. Increased atrophy and ulceration are significant confounders to tissue recovery.
Phase III (ulcerative or bacteriologic phase) occurs around days 6 through 12 and is the most complicated and symp- tomatic time for the patient suffering from stomati-tis. The final phase, phase IV (healing phase), usually takes place around days 12 through 16, after chemotherapy or radiation is completed. During this phase, there’s an eventual renewal in epithelial proliferation and differentiation, leading to healing, along with reestablishment of local microbial flora
Sign Burning or tingling sensation in the mouth prior to the onset of other symptoms skin lesions on the mucous membranes of the mouth, which begin as a red spot or bump, then develop into an open ulcer, which is usually small (one to two millimeters to one centimeter in diameter) (The ulcers can be single or break out in clusters.
symptom fever , sometimes as high as 101–104°F (38.3– 40°C), Irritability and restlessness Blisters in the mouth, often on the tongue or cheeks or roof of the mouth, which then pop and form ulcers (These ulcers are usually small [about one to five millimeters in diameter], grayish white in the middle, and red around the edges.) Swollen gums, which may be irritated and bleed Pain in the mouth Drooling Difficulty swallowing Foul-smelling breath symptom
Diagnostic inspection Bacterial swabs Viral swabs Tissue scrapings for mycology Biopsy for histology and direct immunofluorescence Blood tests Patch tests to identify contact allergy
Treatment of stomatitis Treatment for stomatitis depends on the cause. If it is due to allergy to a medication, the medication must be promptly stopped. Infections may require specific treatment such as antibiotics for streptococcal pharyngitis, topical antifungal or oral antifungal agent for candida infection.
Nutritional deficiencies should be identified and corrected, for example, folic acid can reduce methotrexate-induced stomatitis. Immunobullous diseases may be treated with systemic corticosteroids or other immunosuppressive treatments.
Treatment of stomatitis Symptomatic treatment may include: Antiseptic mouthwash Protective pastes Local anaesthetic mouthwash or spray Oral analgesics (pain killers) Topical corticosteroids
conclusion Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is an inflammatory condition of oral mucosa. Be carefull when a tooth brush Try to always be keep a clean of mouth and a tooth
reference Stomatitis - swollen, symptoms, Definition, Description, Demographics, Causes and symptoms, Diagnosis Stomatitis.qxd - stomatitis.pdf .pdf Types of Stomatitis - Gingivostomatitis Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes - Thrush Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments and Causes