Summary of SGIP PAP Activities since October 2011 Mingxi Fan, Jing Sun TR-45.5 Liaison to SGIP PAP April 16 th, 2012 ©2011 Third Generation Partnership Project Two (3GPP2).All rights reserved. Permission is granted for copying, reproducing, or duplicating this document only for the legitimate purposes of 3GPP2 and its organizational partners. No other copying, reproduction, or distribution is permitted. Chicago, ILC
PAGE 2 General Background: PAP2 in SGIP Smart Grid Interoperability Panel Priority Action Plan 2 ( ) works on wireless technologies for smart gridSmart Grid Interoperability PanelPriority Action Plan 2 In January 2011, PAP2 approved a document summarizing its work in 2010, “Guidelines for Assessing Wireless Standards for Smart Grid Applications.” ( sggrid/pub/SmartGrid/PAP02Objective3/NIST_PAP2_Guidelines_for_Assessin g_Wireless_Standards_for_Smart_Grid_Applications_1.0.pdf)Guidelines for Assessing Wireless Standards for Smart Grid Applications sggrid/pub/SmartGrid/PAP02Objective3/NIST_PAP2_Guidelines_for_Assessin g_Wireless_Standards_for_Smart_Grid_Applications_1.0.pdf –Guidelines’ main content is a discussion of wireless air interface modeling –Specific technology performance in that document is from the respective SDOs in the Annex A through E: Wi-Fi, LTE, HSPA, cdma2000, and WiMAX In 2011, PAP has been focusing on the evaluation of wireless technologies –In the SGIP Catalog of Standards ( sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/SGIPCatalogOfStandards), none of the cellular standards have been “identified.” cdma2000 1x and HRPD are listed under the “under review” section.Catalog of Standards sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/SGIPCatalogOfStandards 2 C
PAGE 3 Wireless Technology Evaluation in PAP2: Wireless SDOs The PAP2 SDO subcommittee, consisting of representatives from IEEE , ATIS, TIA TR45.5, and WiMAX Forum, continues to develop technology assessment methodology –The group meets every Monday 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. PST –The goal of this group is to update the NIST IR 7761 Guidelines for Assessing Wireless Standards for Smart Grid Applications, with a focus on the wireless communication aspects –SDO subcommittee reports progress to PAP2 during biweekly PAP2 calls Recent focus of the PAP2 SDO subcommittee is to complete chapters 4, 5, and 6 of the guideline document –Chapter 4: wireless technology descriptions correspond to “Wireless Functionality and Characteristic Matrix for the Identification of Smart Grid Domain Applications” ( sggrid/pub/SmartGrid/PAP02Objective2/Consolidated_NIST_Wireless_Characteristi cs_Matrix-V5.xls)“Wireless Functionality and Characteristic Matrix for the Identification of Smart Grid Domain Applications” ( sggrid/pub/SmartGrid/PAP02Objective2/Consolidated_NIST_Wireless_Characteristi cs_Matrix-V5.xls –Chapter 5: wireless technology evaluation method that includes an initial screening and refinements to the screening using a combination of analysis, simulation, and/or testbed in the field. –Chapter 6: Performance metric and associated considerations 3 C
PAGE 4 Status of Guideline Development Chapter 4 –90+% complete –Pending final review of the text by the group –No plan for resubmitting the matrix Chapter 5 –Capacity estimation method and Link/MAC/System modeling review complete –Spectrum choices and deployment modeling tool currently under review –Target to be completed by May 2012 Chapter 6 –Has not started –Need to decide specific content and seeking lead editor –Additional details on the spectrum allocation and options in the US needs to be considered C
PAGE 5 Smart Grid Modeling Tool Interface under Development 5 C
PAGE 6 Modeling Tool Status Not yet fully reviewed by SDO-subcommittee Limited to land-based, outdoor BS, & PMP topology, indoor or outdoor terminal locations –5 Outdoor path loss models to choose from –Covers 700 MHz to 6000 MHz –BS antenna heights 7 to 80 meters in rural and suburban with varied (but not extreme) terrain characteristics –10 meter BS antenna height for urban microcell, otherwise above rooftops –Handles TDD and FDD –Channel capacity estimates based on uniform distribution of terminals – and will differentiate between DL and UL Estimates for penetration loss & interference margins based on limited data/references 6