NCDPI SOCIAL STUDIES UPDATE NCDPI SOCIAL STUDIES UPDATE North Carolina Council for the Social Studies 44 th Annual State Conference Greensboro, NC February20, e+Presentations
NCDPI K-12 Social Studies Team Section Chief Fay Gore K-12 Consultants: Ann Carlock Justyn Knox Steve Masyada Michelle McLaughlin Program Assistant Bernadette Cole
K-12 Social Studies VISION Every student graduates from high school with the knowledge, skills, understandings, and dispositions gained from the social sciences that will result in informed and active citizens in a global society.
K-12 Social Studies MISSION Our mission is to provide leadership and support to educators across the State of North Carolina to build and reinforce the North Carolina Essential Standards and Common Core State Standards, implement the North Carolina State Board of Education goals and to inform, clarify, and disseminate state and federal policies and laws.
Essential Standards Crosswalks Unpacking Documents Key Terminology Online Modules Graphic Organizers SS Updates & Webinars SS Wiki Site SI 2011 Resources UNDERSTANDING THE STANDARDS Concept-Based Lesson Planning Online Resources Classroom Assessment Samples Data Literacy SI 2013 Resources Unit Development Planning & Design Aligning Classroom Assessments Disciplinary Literacy SI 2012 Resources DEVELOPING LOCAL CURRICULA IMPROVING INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE Phase I Phase II Phase III NC K-12 Social Studies
3 Shifts in the Essential Standards Written Using The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Organized Around Five (5) Conceptual Strands Written To A Conceptual Framework
Essential Standards Crosswalks Unpacking Documents Key Terminology Online Modules Graphic Organizers SS Updates & Webinars SS Wiki Site SI 2011 Resources UNDERSTANDING THE STANDARDS Concept-Based Lesson Planning Online Resources Classroom Assessment Samples Data Literacy SI 2013 Resources Unit Development Planning & Design Aligning Classroom Assessments Disciplinary Literacy SI 2012 Resources DEVELOPING LOCAL CURRICULA IMPROVING INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE Phase I Phase II Phase III NC K-12 Social Studies
Disciplinary Literacy
Honors Implementation Information
How Are You Sequencing? Social Studies Electives There are no NCDPI prerequisites for any of the social studies elective courses Social Studies Essential Standards: Electives American Humanities Psychology Sociology The Cold War Turning Points in American History Twentieth Century Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Twenty-First Century Geography World Humanities African American Studies American Indian Studies Latin American Studies Advanced Placement (AP) social studies courses offered by College Board AP European History AP Government and Politics: U.S. AP Government and Politics: Comparative AP Human Geography AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics AP Psychology AP U.S. History (May fulfill both U.S. History graduation requirements) AP World History (May fulfill the World History requirement)
K-12 Social Studies Wiki
Phase IV What Does it Mean to be Literate in Social Studies?
The C3 Framework
Preparing Students for the World: Global Task Force Recommendations Goals –Understand the current state of global education in North Carolina –Explore successful practices and new ideas –Develop a set of commitments to improve the global awareness, competency, and engagement of North Carolina’s high school graduates.
The 5 Commitments Robust and Cutting-edge Teacher Support and Tools Leading-edge Language Instruction New School Models District Networking and Recognition Strategic International Relationships
Student Formative Assessment Tool Goal is to helps learners: Assess their competency in the five strands of social studies around learning Document their active engagement in social studies Become reflective and autonomous in their learning.
Analyzing Student Work Pilot Process to collect data to populate Standard 6 for educators teaching in grades/subjects where there is no End of Grade (EOG), End of Course (EOC), Common Exam, or Career Technical Education (CTE) assessment Involves the collection of student work to document student growth Social Studies Pilot with World History & 7 th Grade Contact Jennifer DeNeal at or
Gilder Lehrman History Teacher of the Year 2015 nominations are for K-5. Contact Steve Masyada at for more information. Website: ograms-exhibitions/national- history-teacher-year ograms-exhibitions/national- history-teacher-year Justin Ashley of McAlpine Elementary School, 2013 NC Winner! (photo: Union County Weekly News)Union County Weekly News
North Carolina’s Official Senate Youth Site Next Year’s Applications Available – August 1,
RHO KAPPA National Social Studies Honor Society
Partnership with Capitol Broadcasting NC Youth Advisory Council Student Leadership Institute
North Carolina Final Exams Update Section Chief, Test Development
“NC Final Exams” GCS-A-016 Adopted October 3, 2013 by the State Board of Education STATE-DESIGNATED ASSESSMENTS FOR USE IN THE NORTH CAROLINA TEACHER EVALUATION PROCESS 11/15/201327
Policy Applies To: All public schools including traditional, charter, and regional schools who accepted funding through the Race to the Top grant and as a condition of an Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver. 11/15/201328
Assessments Used in Educator Evaluation Process: 1.End-of-Grade English Language Arts/Reading (grades 3-8) 2.End-of-Grade Mathematics (grades 3-8) 3.End-of-Grade Science (grades 5 and 8) 4.End-of-Course Math I 5.End-of-Course English II 6.End-of-Course Biology 7.NC Final Exams 8.K-3 Checkpoints 9.Career and Technical Education State Assessments 10. Analysis of Student Work for Performance-Based Courses 11. Locally Developed Processes for Measuring Student Growth 11/15/201329
Testing Window Last 5 days of the course for block or semester courses or Last 10 days of the course for yearlong courses 11/15/201330
Requirement Public schools shall use the course-specific assessment as the only final exam for the course. 11/15/201331
Use of Test Results Minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the student's final grade for each respective course. Does not apply to end-of-year assessments in grades 3-8. But schools may adopt policies to use results from end-of-year assessments in grades 3-8 elementary and middle school assessments as part of the student’s final grade. 11/15/201332
Item Types 3311/15/2013
Elementary School Exams NC Final Exams for 4 th and 5 th grade Social Studies and for 4 th grade Science will not be available for administration until the spring 2014 semester. 3411/15/2013
Test Items All NC Final Exams will contain a small portion of experimental (field test) items that do not count toward or against a students score. 11/15/201335
Administration Time and Testing Schedule Administration time must not exceed 120 minutes Must be administered in one school day Exceptions--students with documented testing accommodations (e.g., Multiple Testing Sessions, Scheduled Extended Time ) 11/15/ ActivityTime Administration Time120 Minutes 2 Two-Minute Breaks4 Minutes General Instructions12 Minutes (estimate) Total Time136 Minutes (estimate)
Contact for Educator Effectiveness Questions Jennifer Preston /15/2013
Reference Materials Released Forms common-exams/released-forms Assessment Specifications common-exams/specifications 11/15/201338
NEXT STEPS… What do we need to do or continue to prepare our students to be college, career and civic READY? What can we do to elevate and advocate for Social Studies? How can we support you?
Questions?. Thank you for attending the session!