Emergency session Level up!! Question Type 3attitude Question Type 3 : Explaining attitude in a source Why bother?
You da bestest Innit….
You are dumped! You are sooo boring.
You are dumped! You are sooo boring. Lol!
I hate you
I hate you. Not! xxxx
How do I answer this type of question? Always describe the point of view or attitude revealed in the source. It is a good idea to quote from the source to provide evidence for your statement of attitude. Then use your own knowledge of the topic to explain why this point of view might be held.
I’m not bovvered about the exams in a few weeks. No teacher thinks I’m going to pass so I probably won’t. Why should I stay in working for them when I could be out having a laugh with ma mates? What is the point in sitting exams anyway. I hate sitting in that hall – the teachers just want to see us sweat. I think they just give us exams to keep us quiet for a couple of hours! Don’t mind what I do next year as long as I’ve got ma mates and enough in my pocket to have a laugh. School sucks. 1.Write a sentence describing the point of view revealed by this student about school exams. 2.Make a list of the adjectives (describing words) he uses to describe his attitude towards school exams. 3.Why might this boy hold these views? Write down 1 or 2 sentences.
You might also get a picture Q. What is the attitude of the cartoonist towards the ‘Leaders of Democracy’? You have 3 minutes to write an answer!
Try this one: Source C was said by a Russian soldier in the autumn of Show me what we are fighting this war for. We have fought for months against the Germans. Why? Our people are starving, our leaders are useless and the Tsar is taking no responsibility. He should abdicate now. Instead his wife is running the country – she is German! The war is pointless, our country is ruined and there is no way back to the way life was before the war. Q.What does the soldier in Source C think about continuing to fight in WW1? You have 5 minutes to write an answer!
You could have said: The author… Dislikes the war Wonders what the fighting is for Feels that his people are starving as a result of the war The leadership of Russia is poor The Tsar should step down Suggests that the Tsar’s wife is a German spy? Russia is ruined
Now try another one.. Collect a past paper We study Contexts B, B and C Find an attitude question in one of these contexts and write an answer to it Make sure it is on a topic which you have studied!!! Get it checked by your teacher You have 10 minutes!