SHS Science Department
What work does the team do? Protocols and Routines PLC Meetings (Contract time= 1 hour/month + additional teacher voluntary time = around 3 hours per month) Common learning targets and shared instructional methods Common course exams – Pretest – Unit Tests – Final Exams Exams given on the same day to all classes Common quizzes and formative checkpoints
What work does the team do? Goals Establish common language, strategies, and goals for students Create exams and quizzes that reflect the most recent standards (NGSS, CCSS) Compare student feedback to – Reflect on standards not met – Reflect on student misconceptions – Use data to inform instruction Proactive (and reactive) conversations centered around increasing Student Engagement
What data? Within a year and between years Course pretest and exams – Questions are given as a pretest Identify the level at which students enter the course – Given again after content is covered Did the students reach the target, if not what can we do to reteach and reassess – Given at the end to measure growth overall Retention of key concepts and skills
What differences/gains are you seeing?
EOC Biology
What makes the team work? Time for Collaborative Work – Two ACE days per month as a department – We often donate our teacher directed ACE time and other outside time to working as a team – The chemistry PLC meets for an hour each Monday after school, and for additional time to grade quizzes – The biology PLC meets for one additional meeting every 2 weeks for planning
What makes the team work? Treating each member as a contributor to a common goal All teachers are committed to team planning All teachers are committed to introducing new standards (NGSS, CCSS) We establish and stick to team norms Each individual in the PLC contributes expertise (lab design, organization, knowledge of standards)
What would help take teachers to the next level? Additional time for common planning would allow for: – Continued reflection and team conversations around what is best for students – Continued data collection and adjustment to instruction – Opportunity to create space for all members to show strengths Job embedded quality professional learning – Allowing the team to plan and implement instructional strategies as a group