EDFN 524,Your FirstName YourLastName, This_Semester This_Year FirstName LastName About Me [A] [My Own Choice Of Topic] [B] Favorite Website [C] My Lesson Description [D] Template For EDFN 524 Your name. Edit these “menu options”, as needed. Your photo. A caption under your photo. Add at least 1 more image of your choice. The footer. (Delete this “text box” later by clicking on the border of this text box twice and pressing the Delete key.) Your cropped photo. (Delete this “text box” later by clicking on the border of this text box twice and pressing the Delete key.) FirstName LastName
EDIT 524,Your FirstName YourLastName, This_Semester This_Year [Menu Option A] A Delete this later. Edit: Edit the title of this slide the same as the first “menu option” on the first slide. Describe something about yourself. Don’t get too personal. Add an appropriate image or images. (Delete this “text box” later by clicking on the border of this text box twice and pressing the Delete key.) Your text …
EDIT 524,Your FirstName YourLastName, This_Semester This_Year B Delete this. [Menu Option B] Edit: Edit the title of this slide the same as the second “menu option” on the first slide. You choose any topic you like. Describe something about this topic. Add an appropriate image or images. (Delete this later.) Your text …
EDIT 524,Your FirstName YourLastName, This_Semester This_Year C Delete this. A favorite educational website I will use to enhance my lesson is […] because […]. Click on the circle below to visit this website now. [Menu Option C] Edit: Make the title of this slide the same as the third “menu option” on the first slide. Describe an educational website you will use to enhance your lesson. Add an appropriate image. Edit the URL text and edit the hyperlink to a website: Select the circle => Right-click => Edit Hyperlink Use the CTRL and V keys to paste the new URL into the Address bar. (Delete this “text box” later by clicking on the border of this text box twice and pressing the Delete key.)
EDIT 524,Your FirstName YourLastName, This_Semester This_Year D Delete this. [Menu Option D] My lesson is about … [brief description]. This instruction is designed for …[grade level] for …[subject area]. I’m enhancing this lesson with …. Edit: Make the title of this slide the same as the fourth “menu option” on the first slide. Very briefly describe your lesson description with the subject area, grade level, and name of your lesson. Add an appropriate image or images. Describe what a student would experience during your lesson that is enhanced with technology. (Delete this “text box” later by clicking on the border of this text box twice and pressing the Delete key.)
EDIT 524,Your FirstName YourLastName, This_Semester This_Year Summary Create an interactive Powerpoint presentation using a total of 5 slides. We will use “kiosk mode” to use hyperlinks to control this presentation. There are directions on each slide. Edit 5 Slides Edit the first slide, the menu slide. The choices should be the titles of your other slides. Edit slide titles, as needed. After you edit all of the slides, delete this last slide. Your presentation should include a total of 5 slides. In a “kiosk” presentation, use the “slide show presentation view”. You will see that the only way to move from slide to slide is by means of the hyperlinked arrows. Delete this entire slide. Version: 4/13/2008 Directions: About Me Interactive Assignment