1860 Presidential Election -S. Democrats (v-p Breckinridge) -N 1860 Presidential Election -S. Democrats (v-p Breckinridge) -N. Democrats (Douglas -popular sov.) -Constitutional Union Party (old Whig, & American Parties) -Republican (Abraham Lincoln) Lincoln - 40% popular / 59% electoral 6 weeks - SC secedes from Union 6 others GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, TX Feb. 1861 “Confederacy Formed”
Secession!: SC Dec. 20, 1860
Confederacy Created Fort Sumter (P.G.T. Beauregard) Jefferson Davis (MS) Montgomery, AL Confederate soldiers occupy Federal offices & Forts in the South What Happens Now? -Lincoln ‘new’ Pres Fort Sumter (P.G.T. Beauregard)
Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861
Nation Divides for WAR
Nation Divides for WAR
Secede after Election of 1860
Confederate States of America Fort Sumter Confederate States of America
April 12, 1861 Confederate Troops fire on Union troops in Fort Sumter April 15th Lincoln calls for volunteers to Stop the Rebellion ( Preserve the Union ) Other States Secede VA, NC, TN, AR
Secede after Ft. Sumter
April 12, 1861 Confederate Troops fire on Union troops in Fort Sumter April 15th Lincoln calls for volunteers to Stop the Rebellion ( Preserve the Union ) Other States Secede VA, NC, TN, AR Border Slaves States remain in the Union DE, MD, KY, MO
Border Slave States
April 12, 1861 Confederate Troops fire on Union troops in Fort Sumter April 15th Lincoln calls for volunteers to Stop the Rebellion ( Preserve the Union ) Other States Secede VA, NC, TN, AR Border Slaves States remain in the Union DE, MD, KY, MO Copper Heads – Southern sympathizers in North (Border States) UNION CONFEDERACY
Map Part of Unit Test MO, KY, MD, DE AR, TN, NC, VA SC TX MS AL GA LA FL TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC
Civil War 1861-1865
CIVIL WAR Western Campaign BATTLES Eastern Campaign BATTLES 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865
Robert E. Lee - SURRENDERS “CIVIL WAR” Western Campaign BATTLES Feb - Grant / Tennessee April - Battle of Shiloh June - Memphis - New Orleans July 4 - Vicksburg Surrenders Sept - Chickamauga Nov - Chattanooga Sherman Attacks Georgia Sept - Atlanta Captured * Sherman’s March to the SEA * Eastern Campaign BATTLES July - 1st Battle of Bull Run March - Monitor v. Merrimac Aug - 2nd Battle of Bull Run Sept - Antietam Dec - Fredericksburg May - Chancellorsville July 3 - Gettysburg March – Grant Eastern Commander * Lincoln Re-Elected Grant Wears Down Lee April - Richmond Surrenders 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 Robert E. Lee - SURRENDERS
The Union & Confederacy in 1861
Civil War Strategy
The UNION “Anaconda” Plan Capture the capital of the Confederacy (Richmond, VA) Capture the Mississippi R. and Split the Confederacy Blockade the Confederacy and … STARVE TO DEATH! Eastern Campaign Western Campaign
War Strategies (Union v. Confederate) Union - Anaconda Plan (Three Prong Attack) 1- capture Richmond (capital) 2- capture Mississippi River 3- Blockade the South (starvation) South - War of Attrition fight to make the other side “QUIT” 1st Modern Industrial War New War Technologies (mass production) Trench Warfare Means EXTREMELY HIGH CASUALTIES
North vs. South in 1861 North South Advantages ? Disadvantages
Rating the North & the South
Railroad Lines, 1860
Resources: North & the South
Men for Duty in the Civil War
Advantage & Disadvantage UNION + +population 22 mil. ( 3 X fighting men) +90% of Factories +2/3 Railroads +3/4 countries Financial resource +Civil Leadership Disadvantages -Poor Military Leadership Difficult Strategy CONFEDERATE + +Defend it’s soil +Better Military Leadership +Used to Guns +”King Cotton” Disadvantages -NO factories -Less Resources -Poor Civil Leadership