GIS and Web Application Under MBDS Project MUKDAHAN - SAVANNAKHET Mr.Boonchok chomchey
Cross border Savannakhet and Mukdahan team were trained about GIS, supported by MBDS project 1.BACKGROUND
Set the goal together “Online surveillance” BACKGROUND
To exchange informationTo exchange information To set the Real time networkTo set the Real time network To apply routine surveillance data to spatial analysisTo apply routine surveillance data to spatial analysis Objective
Expanded basic of GIS to health officers in district/ subdistrict level of Savannakhet and Mukdahan What did we do?
Collaborated with ministry of interior with provincial office to set the spatial data (location of each objects) What did we do? We collecting point of each house hold by GPS tools
Create and develop Website “ What did we do? We have been joined for created website and information Exchang
Information Exchange 2.Information Exchange Monthly Malaria Malaria Pneumonia/ARI Pneumonia/ARIQuarterly HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS TB TB 24 Hrs. AFP AFP SARS / Avian Influenza SARS / Avian Influenza Cholera/SevereDiarrhea Cholera/SevereDiarrheaWeekly Dengue Fever Typhoid Typhoid Measles Measles Disease surveillance reporting: 10 Diseases and Locker is web Appkication in server for keep data
How to use locker login upload display document and download
Web site 3. Web site Development website web site Compose is in the furture we plan to develop resister system for person intcrest to use website for exchang information
Update Information by MBDS Team from both sites Trust and Confidence each other
GIS 4. GIS MBDS Map Development Gis Gis Compose is
GIS 4. GIS 10 Disease Surveillance Step that
Avainflu center GIS 4. GIS The progres at project NOW. We Can Collect point at chicken farm in both side
Document farm in mukdahan savennakhet
We can set buffer of interest area
5. SMS (GEOCHAT) GeoChat Workshop Mukdahan province Th. 12nd – 13rd March 2009 In last month we try to Apply Geochat work shop For warning outbreak of disease and abnormal Situation To day we have workshop about Geochat System personal from 6 Country
STRENGTHEN ● Disease surveillance network from village to provincial levels were improved and functioning continuously ● Knowledge, skills and experiences in disease surveillance of health staff were improved as well as in the community. ● Be able to access to CDs information of each side easily and continuously eg. through , Phone, Website ….