Persuading disaffected learners to engage and even enjoy the exam experience The impact on learners- It makes the learners feel more at ease as the tests can be conducted in a less intimidating environment (outside of a college setting)The impact on learners- It makes the learners feel more at ease as the tests can be conducted in a less intimidating environment (outside of a college setting) Some of the learners have never achieved anything before in their lives! (Prison/YOI)Some of the learners have never achieved anything before in their lives! (Prison/YOI) The majority of young people have been brought up using technology in many forms. (mobiles, computers, gaming devices etc)The majority of young people have been brought up using technology in many forms. (mobiles, computers, gaming devices etc) Enables the student to be assessed on their ability NOT their handwriting skills.Enables the student to be assessed on their ability NOT their handwriting skills.
What ExOD can offer YOTs’ Provision of Numeracy & Literacy Qualificaitons In partnership with IcompassUK Ltd Courses in Life Skills –Employability, Sexual Health & Independent Living
The E+ Course teaches and tests 8 vital soft skills, expected by employers: Reliability Determination Responsibility Good communication Team working Honesty Punctuality Respect
What is involved in completing the E+ course ? The course covers all 8 sections (1-3 per hour); promoting empathy for employers through discussion, thought provoking choice options and specially designed scenarios. As with all icompassUK courses, it is computer based, engaging and tutor lead; classes can be from 1 to 50 per tutor. (all assessments are done individually).
Who is the E+ Course best suited for? School graduates and pre-graduates Disengaged young people Young offenders New employees Long term unemployed Prisoners (pre-release) Young entrepreneurs
“Young people can lack the necessary soft skills, such as communication, team working and customer service …" (Paul Sissions, Work Foundation report, Lost in Transition, June 2012 ) Can we trust all parents and teachers to be ‘soft skill’ coaches? Last month the Work Foundation released a report, Lost in Transition, which found that more than 450,000 NEETS have never had a regular job.
More information? For more information on how your organisation can deliver the E+ Course, please contact Or Phil Rowland at or What has been said about the E+ Course? “E+ was really good and I understand a lot more about what a manager would want from me.” (Young offender, Islington) “The E+ Course is a quick, easy to teach and very effective intervention for our NEET young people.” ( YOT Employment and Training Manager)