ORIGIN attachment point that is most proximal; immovable or less movable bone
INSERTION attachment point to the movable bone; insertion moves toward the origin.
FLEXION (flex.) movement that decreases the angle of a joint; to bend
EXTENSION (ext.) Movement that increases the angle or distance between two bones; to straighten
ABDUCTION (abd.) moving a limb away from the midline
ADDUCTION (add.) Movement of a limb toward the midline
ROTATION (rot.) movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis
CIRCUMDUCTION (circumd.) combination of flexion, extension, abduction and adduction
PRONATION (pron.) moving of the palm of the hand from an anterior to a posterior position
SUPINATION (sup.) Palm is from posterior to anterior; Palm is facing “up” – cup of soup
INVERSION (inv.) turning the sole of the foot so that it faces medially
EVERSION (ev., ever.) Turns the sole of the foot laterally
DORSIFLEXION (d.f.) ankle movement that moves the instep of the foot up and toward the tibia Example - Standing on your heels
PLANTAR FLEXION (p.f.) straightens the ankle joint causing the toes to point downward Example: to stand on your toes
PRIME MOVER (agonist) muscle that has the major responsibility for causing a movement
ANTAGONIST muscle that opposes or reverses a movement; relaxes when prime mover is active.
SYNERGIST helps prime movers by producing the same movement or by reducing an unnecessary movement
FIXATORS are specialized synergists; hold or stabilize the origin of a prime mover