MITM743 Advanced Project Management Dr. Abdul Rahim Ahmad Assoc. Professor College of IT, UNITEN Kerzner Chapter 10&14 Cluture and Behavioral Excellence
Contents (Chap 10 and 14 of Kerzner) Corporate Culture Corporate Values Types of Culture Prioritization of Work Situational Leadership Conflict Resolution Integrated Product/Project Team Keys to Behavioral Excellence
Introduction Culture is important and significant for companies excellent in PM Successful PM creates rapid change in organization and corporate culture that promotes necessary behaviour
10.1 Corporate Culture
Creation of corporate culture Corporate culture for PM Based on organizational behaviour Reflect goals, beliefs, aspiration (of management) PM culture exist in Organizational culture Depends on size of company, nature of business, customers, internal/external projects Unique to each company Example? Being honest in reporting Leadership, management operational method Strong culture can be formed when PM is viewed as a profession.
Establishing PM Culture Use PMBOK as basis to form the PM guide Potential failure can be because senior management Overemphasize on quantitative component of PM maturity model Underemphasize on behavioural component Start with identifying key player that can influence cultural change.
10.2 Corporate Values
Corporate Values Part of culture is an established set of values that employees abide to, beyond standard practice manuals. Goals, objectives and values must be understood by members Culture must support these values Cooperation Teamwork Trust Effective communication
10.3 Types of Culture
Types of cultures A few different types of PM cultures Cooperative –trust and effective communication Non cooperative –mistrust, self centered Competitive – loyalty issue to PM or line manager? Isolated - depends on functional units Fragmented – geographical separated Cooperative Common values are communication, trust and cooperation More Informal than formal Most issues are solved at lower level Non-Cooperative Problem at management level No respect Competitive Healthy in short term Not favourable long term
10.6 Prioritization of work
Prioritization of Work Strong PM culture minimize the need to prioritize work Not all projects have to be prioritized A small number can be optimal Case Study A Household furniture manufacturer company Introduce products at trade shows by marketing dept. Products based on projects by Engineering department Issues A few times product missed trade shows Marketing blamed Engineering Engineering Blamed Marketing Reality Engineering dept has 400 projects No priority on projects To solve Priorities given to top 100 projects Eventually only 20 projects can be prioritize Conclusion?
14 Behavioral Excellence 14.1 Situational Leadership
Behavioral skills Through training Can cause project failure Behavioral shortcomings Poor moral Negative human relation Lack of commitment Important issue is behavioural factor in situational leadership
Situational leadership PM now emphasize behavioural management over technical management Project managers need to have the “situational leadership” ability: Supporting (relationship behaviour) Directing (task behaviour) difference/situational-leadership-what-we-do/
14 Behavioral Excellence 14.2 Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution Conflict are a way of life Can occur at any level of the organization Normally due to conflicting objectives Project manager is obviously a conflict manager as well Interpersonal Interdepartment Handling conflict is necessary
Handling conflicts
Handling conflict
14 Behavioral Excellence 14.4 Integrated Product / project team (IPTs)
IPTs A team across entire organization Well suited to long term projects Example: pdfhttps:// 645.pdf (local)local Define/ Design/ Implement IPTs Management Evaluation Key Success Indicator (KSI)
14.7 Keys to behavioral excellence
Keys to behavioural excellence What each one can do Project managers level Top level management Executive sponsors Client side Example standard in behavioural excellence Lakewood health system s/download/39 (local) s/download/39local
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