Helsinki, November FRBR: the bright new future? Part 1 Maja Žumer University of Ljubljana Slovenia
Helsinki, November Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records Approved by IFLA in 1997 Approved by IFLA in 1997 Published in 1998 Published in 1998 Conceptual model of the ‘ bibliographic universe ’ Conceptual model of the ‘ bibliographic universe ’ Still ‘ new ’ ? Still ‘ new ’ ?
Helsinki, November User functions using the data to FIND materials that correspond to the user's stated search criteria using the data to FIND materials that correspond to the user's stated search criteria using the data retrieved to IDENTIFY an entity (e.g., to confirm that the document described corresponds to the document sought by the user, or to distinguish between two similar documents) using the data retrieved to IDENTIFY an entity (e.g., to confirm that the document described corresponds to the document sought by the user, or to distinguish between two similar documents) using the data to SELECT an entity that is appropriate to the user's needs (e.g., to select a text in a language the user understands, or to choose a version of a computer program that is compatible with the hardware and operating system available to the user) using the data to SELECT an entity that is appropriate to the user's needs (e.g., to select a text in a language the user understands, or to choose a version of a computer program that is compatible with the hardware and operating system available to the user) using the data in order to acquire or OBTAIN access to the entity described using the data in order to acquire or OBTAIN access to the entity described
Helsinki, November Entities Group 1 Group 1 (products of intellectual and artistic endeavor) Work Work Expression Expression Manifestation Manifestation Item Item Group 2 Group 2 (actors related to Group1 entities) Person Person Corporate Body Corporate Body Group 3 Group 3 (subjects of works) All in Groups 1 and 2 plus: All in Groups 1 and 2 plus: Concept Concept Object Object Event Event Place Place
Helsinki, November “ The FRBR revolution ” User-oriented view of cataloguing User-oriented view of cataloguing Catalogue as a database and not a replica of a card catalogue Catalogue as a database and not a replica of a card catalogue Re-thinking of current cataloguing theory and practice Re-thinking of current cataloguing theory and practice potential for interoperability within ALM, rights management, Semantic Web potential for interoperability within ALM, rights management, Semantic Web
Helsinki, November Obstacles to implementation Conservative views Conservative views Legacy data Legacy data Model is perceived as ‘very abstract and theoretical’ Model is perceived as ‘very abstract and theoretical’ Open to interpretation (e.g. expression) Open to interpretation (e.g. expression) No data model, no cataloguing rules No data model, no cataloguing rules
Helsinki, November But … FRBRisation experiments FRBRisation experiments OCLC FictionFinder OCLC FictionFinder VTLS VTLS …
Helsinki, November The “ FRBR family ” FRBR: the original framework FRBR: the original framework –All entities, focusing on Group 1 FRAR (FRAD): Functional Requirements for Authority Records/Data FRAR (FRAD): Functional Requirements for Authority Records/Data –Focus on Group 2 –Almost finished FRSAR: Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records FRSAR: Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records –Focus on Group3 –Ongoing
Helsinki, November Recent developments Workshop in Dublin, OH (2005) Workshop in Dublin, OH (2005) IFLA pre-conference in J ä rvenp ää (2005) IFLA pre-conference in J ä rvenp ää (2005) Active role of FRBR Review Group Active role of FRBR Review Group –Expression –Aggregates –Attributes FRBR/CRM harmonisation WG FRBR/CRM harmonisation WG
Helsinki, November Expression WG A more pragmatic definition of Expression: On a practical level, the degree to which bibliographic distinctions are made between variant expressions of a work will depend to some extent on the nature of the work itself, on the anticipated needs of users and on what the cataloguer can reasonably be expected to recognize from the manifestation being described. Augmentations (illustrations, foreword…) as independent works
Helsinki, November Aggregates WG Plans to cover (a) collections, selections, anthologies..., (b) augmentations, (c) series, (d) journals, (e) integrating resources, (f) multipart monographs Composites of dependent/independent works Ongoing work
Helsinki, November Issues Granularity of works Granularity of works Models Models
Helsinki, November Work Distinct Distinct Autonomous Autonomous Universality of works Universality of works Properties of work independent of its manifestations Properties of work independent of its manifestations Rarely a one-to-one relationship between work and manifestation Evidence from all of the manifestations can be used to identify a work
Helsinki, November Types of aggregates Collections: groups of two or more separately and independently created works that are ‘published’ together. Collections include selections, anthologies, monographic series, serials, journals (aggregates of articles) and CDs (aggregates of individual songs or tracks). Usually similar in type. Collections: groups of two or more separately and independently created works that are ‘published’ together. Collections include selections, anthologies, monographic series, serials, journals (aggregates of articles) and CDs (aggregates of individual songs or tracks). Usually similar in type. Augmentations: a work has been supplemented with additional material that is not integral to the original work and does not change the original work (forewords, introductions, illustrations, notes). Combination with dependent works. Augmentations: a work has been supplemented with additional material that is not integral to the original work and does not change the original work (forewords, introductions, illustrations, notes). Combination with dependent works.
Helsinki, November Aggregation work the act of combining works the act of combining works when significant, should be considered a work in its own right (e.g. compiling an anthology) when significant, should be considered a work in its own right (e.g. compiling an anthology)
Helsinki, November Models discussed ‘work-of-parts’ ‘work-of-parts’ ‘manifestation-of-works’ ‘manifestation-of-works’ ‘work-of-works’ ‘work-of-works’
Helsinki, November FRBR and CRM Two conceptual models of the cultural heritage sector Two conceptual models of the cultural heritage sector
Helsinki, November CIDOC CRM: museum conceptual model “ CRM ” is for “ Conceptual Reference Model ” “ CRM ” is for “ Conceptual Reference Model ” Developed from 1996 on by ICOM CIDOC (International Council of Museums – International Committee for Documentation) Developed from 1996 on by ICOM CIDOC (International Council of Museums – International Committee for Documentation) Maintained by CRM-SIG (Special Interest Group) Maintained by CRM-SIG (Special Interest Group) Accepted as ISO in September 2006 Accepted as ISO in September 2006 Covers any kind of data ( “ descriptive ” or “ authorities ” ) created by museums in the fields of fine arts, archaeology, natural history … Covers any kind of data ( “ descriptive ” or “ authorities ” ) created by museums in the fields of fine arts, archaeology, natural history …
Helsinki, November FRBR/CRM Harmonisation To reach a common view of cultural heritage information (because we share users and types of materials) To reach a common view of cultural heritage information (because we share users and types of materials) To check FRBR ’ s internal consistency To check FRBR ’ s internal consistency To enable interoperability and integration (mediation tools, Semantic Web applications … ) To enable interoperability and integration (mediation tools, Semantic Web applications … ) For FRBR ’ s and CIDOC CRM ’ s mutual benefit (to extend the scope of both) For FRBR ’ s and CIDOC CRM ’ s mutual benefit (to extend the scope of both) To open the way to future applications (semantic paths between heterogeneous library and museum databases) To open the way to future applications (semantic paths between heterogeneous library and museum databases)
Helsinki, November Outcomes Draft of “ FRBRoo ” published for public comment Draft of “ FRBRoo ” published for public comment Clarifications of FRBR (manifestation) Clarifications of FRBR (manifestation) Modeling of processes Modeling of processes Publisher (intellectual) contribution Publisher (intellectual) contribution Clarification of concepts, definitions Clarification of concepts, definitions
Helsinki, November Next steps Group 2, Group 3, FRAD and FRSAR attributes Group 2, Group 3, FRAD and FRSAR attributes FRBR, FRAD & FRSAR relationships FRBR, FRAD & FRSAR relationships Refinements Refinements Check the robustness Check the robustness Draft deliverables: scope notes and examples for each class & property, tutorials, explanatory documents … Draft deliverables: scope notes and examples for each class & property, tutorials, explanatory documents … Core FRBRoo Core FRBRoo Prepare a prototype application Prepare a prototype application …
Helsinki, November Potential of FRBR National bibliographies National bibliographies Portals (clustering of results) Portals (clustering of results) Intellectual rights management Intellectual rights management
Helsinki, November The future The new cataloguing rules (RDA)/Italian The new cataloguing rules (RDA)/Italian International Meetings of Experts for an International Cataloguing Code (IME-ICC) International Meetings of Experts for an International Cataloguing Code (IME-ICC) Prototypes of FRBRisation tools Prototypes of FRBRisation tools Prototypes of new catalogues Prototypes of new catalogues
Helsinki, November Interoperability Within the library community Within the library community With other communities in the cultural heritage sector With other communities in the cultural heritage sector Other Other
Helsinki, November Within library community Acceptance within the community Acceptance within the community –Development of the model –Cataloguing rules Real-life applications Real-life applications –Data model –Interface Legacy data Legacy data
Helsinki, November Legacy data Incomplete records Incomplete records Inconsistent data Inconsistent data Notes as source of important infomation Notes as source of important infomation Many works only published once Many works only published once Accept less-than-perfect results Accept less-than-perfect results Social tagging/annotation? Social tagging/annotation?
Helsinki, November Interoperability with museum documentation Develop/refine FRBRoo further Develop/refine FRBRoo further Prototypes needed Prototypes needed
Helsinki, November Other? Archives Archives Intellectual rights management Intellectual rights management Should be investigated Should be investigated
Helsinki, November A quote from my favourite book Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it. And then he feels that perhaps there isn’t... (A.A. Milne, The House at Pooh Corner)
Helsinki, November The library community should Finaly accept FRBR Finaly accept FRBR Understand the importance of cooperation with other communities Understand the importance of cooperation with other communities