Working with CAD Data In ArcGIS Travis Wagner
New Features Adds CAD datasets as group layers –Still have the ability to access all feature types properties and symbology Better CAD rendering (symbology closely represents CAD drawing) –“CAD unique entity values” in Categories group in the symbology –Can change and then “Restore original” CAD symbology More support for CAD properties –More fields that give you more information from the CAD drawing (layer information, file type, file path…)
Georeferencing CAD Datasets 2 Point Transformation Prior to 9.2 only supported Raster 2 Point Transformation (Georeferencing toolbar) –2 Source points and 2 Destination points –Maintains aspect ratio of CAD dataset –Supports snapping when in edit session –Creates world file (.wld) Text file of two rows of control point coordinates Must save it in same folder structure and same file name prefix –Save, create new, or load world file –When you need more than two points use the rubbersheet tool Can also rotate, scale or shift
Georeferencing CAD Datasets Rubbersheeting Must convert to feature class Use Arc Map Spatial Adjustment toolbar Can use multiple reference points in this tool rather than only two
CAD Data Translation CAD to GIS or GIS to CAD Several Way to accomplish this –Right click on layer and export data –Copy, paste in an edit session –Geoprocessing Copy features Feature Class to Feature Class –Append to existing datasets and takes on existing symbology Import from CAD Export to CAD (only in ArcGIS Arc Info License Level) –With the use of a Seed File, you can utilize properties or symbology of an existing CAD file –Can export annotation feature class to CAD or override point feature class based on a attribute for text in a CAD file
ArcGIS for AutoCAD Free download from ESRI as a plug-in for AutoCAD 2007 adds new menu “ArcGIS” Imports ArcGIS Server Services –Entire service, data frame or individual bookmarks Displayed in AutoCAD spatially referenced Used for background, digitizing and main referencing Able to control service on or off by toggle the service properties (ESRI_Mapservice) Can have a cashed service or keep dynamic via properties of service Allows you to identify map service features by using identify tool Keeps layer scale dependencies set up in the service (if dynamic) Keep connection to service if saved if able to keep connection