LW TeamCenter Offline Packaging
LW TeamCenter Offline Packaging -features Linkware enable to create packages that can be download for offline work. Download from Teamcenter Bill of material including all desired metadata and all related files Manage the object you would like to expose Includes all items type and dataset Design your graphical template External Access to teamcenter documents and data. Share your knowledge with subcontractors. Continuous availability of current drawings, models and view files for other departments, e.g. process planning.
LW TeamCenter Offline Packaging -features Enrich your data with fast and flexible engine. Enrich your data with more multimedia files and Inter connection links between BOM objects. Other features: Search your package for attributes and full text. Client synchronization - do offline work then connect and update the teamcenter server with the offline data. The package can be view in Internet Explorer browser
LW TeamCenter Offline Packaging -Process I.Export data from Teamcenter II.Import data automatically to Linkware III.Create Package IV.Sent the package to the creator when its ready via mail V.Share and use the package
Enriching BOM After importing BOM from Teamcenter Enrich your data with inter connection links between BOM objects.
Teamcenter user perform Package Request
Processing request(invisible to user) Data and files are export from TC (PLM XML) Import Data To Linkware Packaging the data to the user Send Mail and link to the Package
User inform that the package is ready for use
Use and Share the package User Extract the package from the Mail And load the package Now you can navigate and browse all BOM Data metadata and related documents