QAR Question Answer Relationships
What is QAR? QAR stands for: Q- Question A- Answer R- Relationships –Using QAR we can determine question types to help us understand where we can find the correct answer. –QAR helps you understand the four different types of questions that are asked before, during, and after reading.
Why do I need to know this? It will help you determine where those answers can be found. When you take the ITBS there are many types of questions that need answered. Knowing how to answer these questions will help you get more answers correct and help you find the answers faster.
Where can I find answers to questions? In a book In my head
Four Types of Questions Right There Think and Search Author and Me (Inferring) On My Own
Right There Answer can be found in one spot of the text. Answer is within one sentence or one line of the book.
Think and Search Answer is found in the book or text in many different spots. You must put together many pieces of information to answer ONE question
Author and Me You need to use your background knowledge and the clues from the book to answer the question Inferring questions
On My Own You can answer the questions without any help from the book or text. Questions can be answered before or without reading the book or text based only on your background knowledge.
Conclusion QAR- Question Answer Relationships is a reading strategy we learn to help us answer questions accurately an quickly. We will be practicing the QAR strategy over the next few weeks to help us prepare for the ITBS. Our goal is to have ALL students score at or above the 40% on the Reading Comprehension Tests This strategy will help you achieve higher scores than you have had in the past.