E-Government and digital inclusion in Greece Ioannis Iglezakis, Visiting Lecture AUTH, Greece Lefis, 27 July 2007 Jaca, Spain
Basic concepts E-Government: the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to public sector. E-Democracy: the use of ICT to enhance the democratic processes ‘Digital divide’: the divide between information haves and information have nots
ICT and e-Government Penetration in Greece Statistics of ICT use (2006) Desktop PC: 42% Notebook: 16% Internet Access: 47,4%
ICT and e-Government Penetration in Greece Level of services in E-Government Provision of Information One-way-interaction Two-way-interaction transaction Currently, the level of e-services reaches levels
E-Government Policy-Making in Greece Information Technology Committee
Legislative Framework on E- Government eSignatures Free Access to Public Documents Re-use of Public sector information Data Protection
The Syzefxis Project
Social Insurance Institution (IKA)
Citizens Service Centres
Court of first Instance of Athens
E-Procurement National System for Electronic Procurement The main goals to be achieved through this system are the following: Computerization of procurement procedures in order to accelerate and simplify the whole, but also part of the procedures; Introduction of new practices, such as framework agreements and electronic auctions; Interconnection of contracting authorities and private businesses (suppliers) with the central offices of the General Secretary of Commerce (GSC); Upgrade of IT infrastructure of the GSC; Establishment of an open system accessible by employees of the GSC, public authorities and suppliers; Provision of improved information and advanced electronic services; and Provision of training of main actors (public institutions and suppliers).
Other eGovernment projects under development: i. National Population Register ii. Specific Population Register iii. Electronic Information System for the Advocate of the Citizen (Ombudsman) iv. Information System for the Council for Appointing to the Public Sector v. Information systems for Regions, Prefectures and Local Administration
Policies with regard to digital inclusion increased introduction of broadband connections creation of Wi-Fi connections in more than 120 Municipalities and 20 local Unions of Municipalities Creation of a national School network. Distribution of the 100-Dollar Laptop