Culture satellite account of Mexico
Developing : Environmental - economic accounts of ecosystems Green Growth Indicators Impact of mining on the economy, society and environment The satellite accounts in Mexico
Information sources Goods and services Account Price index Surveys Base yearIntercensal years Economic Census
A consulting group was established to provide technical support to the CSA Participants Participants: Technical Working Group Universities Cultural institutions HandcraftsCinematographyPublishing
ConceptualFramework Objective To identify and measure the economic flows generated by the activities and products conforming the cultural sector. Culture Satellite Account
economic sector of culture goods and services The economic sector of culture is defined as a set of products and social activities based on creative and symbolic aspects which are transformed, through a process of creation, production, transmission, consumption, conservation and formation, into goods and services. Consists of quantifying Consists of quantifying the value of the economic activity, acknowledging that the reality of the cultural phenomenon has other dimensions and manifestations not considered in this satellite account. Culture Satellite Account - Definition
Characteristic or related activities ¿? Is culture the reason to be of this activity? Is culture feasible without this activity? Not included Yes No Characteristic Related
103 National industries 71 characteristic activities 32 related activities Culture Satellite Account
NAICS National industries 1,049 National industries 56 Classes 419 Classes 10%13% ISIC 4 Culture Satellite Account
Household production Household production Government Market production Market production Non- market activities Culture Satellite Account
Contributions from other satellite accounts Market Government Household production
The mexican case Festive events (household production) Handcrafts (output for own final use) Traditional toys Sports events Software design Street commerce Street performances
Functional classification (percentage distribution) 33.9% 25.3% 12.5% 12.2% 11.4% 1.7% 1.6% 1.4% Culture GDP, general and specific areas, 2012 P P Preliminary Handcrafts and traditinal toys Audiovisual media PublishingHeritage Visual arts and photograph y Music and concerts Design and creative services Performin g arts
Non-market valuation: Government Specialized units Federal Non-specialized federal units States
adquisition Total expenditure for the adquisition of cultural goods and services by households Volunteer participation Objetive: Gather information on the households’ expenditure in the cultural field, so as to quantify the economic aspects associated with Culture. Handcraft production National Survey of Cultural Consumption
Main results: Households’ expenditure for purchasing cultural goods and services amounted to122,269 million pesos 3.8% total expenditure * million pesos, equivalent to 3.8% of their total expenditure * in the year cultural sites and events is equivalent to The attendance to cultural sites and events is equivalent to times the capacity of the Azteca Stadium. National Survey of Cultural Consumption % cultural sites and events is spent to access cultural sites and events 6. 7 % cultural courses and workshops. is spent on cultural courses and workshops. *Sources: National Survey of households’ Income and expenditure. National Survey of Cultural Consumption
Main results: Culture Satellite Account
Main results for 2012 Culture GDP : 405,997 P million pesos Market economic valuation Government economic valuation Household production ( survey ) 2.7% of the GDP 2.0% 0.1% of the GDP 0.6% of the GDP 3.7% 0.9% 5.0% per year P Preliminary per year
Culture GDP: Annual growth rate, (2008 prices) Main results for 2012: constant prices CultureTotal economy Growth %
Culture GDP. International comparative MEX (2012 P ) CR (2013) COL (2007) CHI (2007) SPA (2012) FIN (2012) CZR (2010) AUS (2009) CAN (2010) 4.3% 2.7% 3.1% 1.4% 1.3% 3.2% 1.8% 2.5% 1.7% 4.0% USA (2012) Culture Satellite Account: international comparative * 2.2% accounts to the market and government valuation and 0.6% accounts to the households cultural production (measured by the survey), which isn’t included by other countries.
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