Central Food Research Institute Research activities at CFRI for food safety Prof. András Székács, D.Sc. Acting Director General H-1537 Budapest, POB 393 Tel: (+36 1) FAX: (36 1)
Central Food Research Institute 1880 National Phyloxera Research Station 1881 Wine Inspection Station 1917 Hungarian Royal Agricultural, Botanical and Viticultural Institute 1949 Canning, Meat and Refrigeration Industry Research Institute (KOHIKI) 1959 Central Food Research Institute (KÉKI, focused on industrial developments) 2001 Central Food Research Institute (KÉKI, focused on food science) 2011 Division of Agricultural Environmental Safety 2012 Central Environmental and Food Science Research Institute (KÉKI)
Central Food Research Institute Director General Division of Agricultural Environmental Safety Division of Food Science Department of Food Analytics Central Laboratory Department of Biology Department of Food Technology Economy and Quality Department of Environmental Analytics Department of Ecotoxicology Department of Microbiology Department of Finance Department of Maintenance Secretariat Sampling sites Independent Researcher Division of Finance and Service SzarvasTarcal Central Environmental and Food Research Institute (KÉKI)
Division of Food Science Department of Food Analytics Investigation of instrumental analytical methods for determination of food ingredients selective and highly sensitive instrumental methods (HPLC, GC) for food quality and safety assurance, near infrared (reflectance/transmittance) spectroscopy for non-destructive analysis, research on physical, chemical and biological methods for food analysis, quantification of food components and food contaminants (allergens, toxins and pesticide residues), origins and varieties of different raw materials, detection of adulteration, unlawful technological treatments and materials, analysis of microbial spoilage compoundse, investigation of sensor technologies (biosensors, immunosensors).
Division of Food Science Department of Biology Investigation of hazards of novel foods and food producing technologies in the viewpoint of food safety molecular biology: screening and quantification of GMOs, transgenic organisms, potential allergens using DNA based methodologies, protein separation techniques, immunoanalytical methods: transgenic proteins, determination of potential allergenic compounds, assessment of the fate of antigenic/allergenic proteins by in vitro and in vivo rat models, animal (rat/mice) models for biological evaluation of proteins and modulating of immune responses using oral adjuvant (probiotics, plant lectins), development of probiotics (LAB) based plant products (selection methods, fermentation technologies).
Division of Food Science Department of Food Technology Economy and Quality Development of novel food technologies, social and economic studies to establish food safety strategy, risk communication novel, environmentally protective and energy saving food technologies serving consumer’s health protection and quality improvement, application of new technologies based on physical methods e.g. pulsing electric field (PEF), radiofrequency and microwave treatment, supercritical fluid extraction, novel packaging materials, pilot plant studies, sensory analysis, questionnaire assessments at different food chain players (agricultural producers, food processors, food trade, restaurants/public catering), consumers and vulnerable consumer groups, consumers’ and professional opinions regarding genetically modified food products, qualitative and quantitative survey techniques (conjoint analysis, focal groups, opinion networking, SPSS, etc.), risk management, consumer protection and information.
Division of Agricultural Environmental Safety Department of Environmental Analytics Investigation of instrumental and bioanalytical methods for determination of environmental contaminants pesticide residue analytics, organic microcontaminants in environmental samples (surface and ground water, soils, biological samples), common environmental and food contamination originated from agriculture, drinking water quality, side effects of organic microcontaminants (endocrine disruption), detection of adulteration, unlawful technological treatments and materials, investigation of analytical methods (ELISA, immunosensors), determination of effects of GMO.
Division of Agricultural Environmental Safety Department of Microbiology Microbiological methods for environmental and food safety problems effects of traditional and combined processing technologies to reduce risks of health impairment due to pathogenic micro-organisms, effect of novel, not yet regulated food processing technologies on bacteria, growth and survival of spoilage micro-organisms in foods, microbiology of foods of plant origin; investigation of the food chain, rapid microbiological methods, biofilm formation of bacteria on surfaces, biodegradation of packaging materials.
Division of Agricultural Environmental Safety Department of Ecotoxicology In vitro and in vivo laboratory biotests to demonstrate the (eco)toxicological effects in vivo bioassays on atrhropods to assess ecotoxicological side-effects of environmental contaminants of agricultural or anthropogenic origin microbiological and in vivo mutagenity tests to assess mutagenicity/potential carcinogenicity of xenobiotics, environmental assassment of genetically modified (GM) crops, - harmful effects on protected species - resistance problems, - possible gene flow (pollen escape, cross-pollination) - co-occurrence of insect and fungal pests on GM crops environmental issues of hygienic applications (grain/produce storage and mosquito control)
Food research in Hungary Central Food Research Institute, Budapest Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Food Science Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Eszterházy Károly College, EGERFOOD Regional Research Center, Eger College of Nyíregyháza, Faculty of Technology and Agriculture University of Debrecen, Centre for Agricultural and Applied Economic Sciences University of Szeged, Department of Engineering University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Trade and Marketing Department University of West Hungary, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Mosonmagyaróvár Hungarian Meat Research Institute, Budapest Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Herceghalom Agricultural Biotechnology Center, Gödöllő Research Institute for Fruitgrowing and Ornamentals, Budapest, Érd