co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus © Paul-Georg Meister / PIXELIO Intergeo WP5: Gathering Communities of Practice Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe
Settle a community of Intergeo users - Promote Intergeo by participating in Local Users Meetings - Advertise Intergeo in math and eLearning conferences
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania April 25-27, Valencia, Univ. Cantabria SOCIETAT D’EDUCACIÓ MATEMÀTICA
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania June 26-29, Ciechocinek, Bayreuth Univ., National Polish Superkurs
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania June 25-28, Coimbra, Univ. Cantabria, ENSPM08
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania August 25-27, Paderno del Grapa,Paderno del Grapa Cabrilog
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania August 26-27, Vilnius, Univ. S. Bohemia
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Sept. 2-4, Elvas, Univ. Cantabria, ProfMath
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Sept. 19, Trondheim JEM workshop
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Sept. 15, Luxembourg, Univ. Luxembourg,
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Sept , Horska Kvilda, Univ. S. Bohemia
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Sept , Schwäbisch Gmünd, Arbeitskreis MU&I
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Oct , Sevilla, Univ. Cantabria XII CEAM
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Oct , La Rochelle, Sésamath APMEP
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Local Users Meetings to spread the word, collect new users and new resources. Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Luxembourg, Czech republic, Germany, France and Romania Oct. 1st-Nov. 2, Constanta, Univ. Montp. 2 CNIV
Community Gathering Description of Work Participate into Conferences to spread the word UniscielUniscielNancy, France APMEPAPMEPLille, France INRPINRP Lyon, France MKM08MKM08Birminghmam, UK JEMJEM Trondheim, Norway SEAMSEAMMaastricht, Holland APMEP08APMEP08La Rochelle, France ICVL08ICVL08 Constanta, Romania ICT 08ICT 08 Lyon, France UniscielUnisciel Paris, France APMEP07APMEP07Besançon, France eLearningeLearning Budjovicích, Czech Rep Kaleidoscope07 Berlin, Germany Kaleidoscope07 FMEE07FMEE07 Lisbon, Portugal rd JEM3rd JEMBarcelona, Spain AISC08AISC08 Birmingham, UK Rechen SchwerigkeitenRechen Schwerigkeiten Luxembourg GDM-TagungGDM-Tagung Budapest, Hungary EIEMEIEM Leiria, Portugal