WGPD Strategic Plan | ASF WGPD Secretariat Annual meeting of the WGPD Helsinki, Finland September 10-12, 2012
. Background information Creation 35th meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board (1991). Original objective To publish guidelines and other informational materials to be used by SAIs to encourage proper reporting and sound public debt management. WGPD | 2
. Objectives To prepare and publish guidelines and other materials to be used by SAIs in order to encourage the proper reporting and sound management of public debt. To identify key issues for the development of responsibilities and procedures for auditing and evaluating public debt commitments. 1 2 WGPD | 3
. Objectives To prepare papers examining matters on public debt definition, reporting, and assessment. To exchange knowledge with other institutions dealing with public debt issues. To promote the preparation of studies and papers related to the WG’s mandate WGPD | 4
Strategic Plan 2006 meeting, held in Argentina. Origin to anticipate, face, and analyze the overall public debt problem, and develop proposals dealing with it. Objective SAIs of UK, Canada, Fiji, and Mexico. 1 st.Task team Mission and Vision Statements Strategic Goals and objectives. Contents WGPD | 5
. WGPD’s Strategic Plan Timeframe: – Final presentation: –Lisbon, Portugal (June 2007). Goal: –To become the champion of public debt auditing issues. –To promote sound debt management practices for SAIs. WGPD | 6
Strategic Plan Three years: 2013 to 2016 Time span To fit the INTOSAI Strategic Plan Complimentary Objective SAIs of Austria, Lithuania, Portugal and Mexico (Chair) Task team Mission and Vision Statements Strategic Goals and objectives. Contents WGPD | 7
Strategic Plan Mission Statement To advance the highest standards in public debt auditing and promote sound practices for debt management and appropriate data disclosure standards by sharing knowledge and experiences among members. WGPD | 8
Strategic Plan Vision Statement To be recognized by SAIs as the leading forum for its excellence in analyses, research, and capacity building projects as well as its publications on public debt audit practices and debt management issues. WGPD | 9
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