Biology 3361 Marine Biology: Coastal Systems
WHO & WHAT’S INVOLVED IN THE COURSE Dr. R. Aiken, Office Hours : 10:30 – 12:00 MWF Lab/Field Instructor: W. Anderson TA's: Lectures: MWF 930 – Flemington 103 Field Trip: One weekend trip to St. Andrews Text: NONE - but several books will be on reserve in the Library Course Website (accessible through Moodle):
ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING Item Percent Due Date Midterm 20% February 17, 2014 Final Exam30%??? Lab/Field Assignment Group Report35% March 27, 2013 TOTAL100% Oral Presentations 15% April 4 and 6, 2014
Biology 3361 Field Trip Saint Andrews
Huntsman Marine Science Centre
Field Trip Logistics Cost – about $180 (transportation, all meals, accommodation) Research – 5 groups of 5 Each group is responsible for designing a sampling program to answer a specific research question Each group will have 3 opportunities to collect data (3 low tides) Trip will be on the weekend (Friday – Sunday) of January 24, 25, 26 (or on Feb 7, 8, 9 as a backup date) The low tides are Friday – 0936, Saturday – 1027 and Sunday
Biology 3361 Course Content See the course website for dates of specific lectureswebsite
The course will be divided into four sections: 1. Effects of physical factors on the intertidal 2. Effects of biological factors on intertidal zonation 3. Soft substrate intertidal habitats 4. Hard substrate intertidal habitats Biology 3361 Course Content See the course website for dates of specific lectureswebsite
Physical Influences 1- Waves
Physical Influences 2- Currents
Physical Influences 3- Tides
Physical Influences 4 - Ocean Chemistry
Biological Factors Population and Community Structure
Biological Factors Life History Patterns
Biological Factors Reproductive Patterns
Biological Factors Intertidal Zones - Rocky Intertidal as a Model
Coastal Habitats - Soft Sediments EstuariesSaltmarshes Mudflats Beaches Mangal Sea Grass
Coastal Habitats - Hard Sediments Kelp Forests Coral Reefs Rocky Subtidal
Course website