for iGCSE Skills in…
More Stressful English A Stressful Language!
More Stressful English Today’s Learning Objective is… To re-visit syllables and stresses in words so that it is easier to spell them and use them. To construct a series of dynamic sentences from a group of words that share the same spelling but have a different meaning. By the end of the lesson… You will have each written a dynamic sentence using words that are spelled the same but mean different things. You will have designed a means of working out spellings according to the stress and number of syllables. Key Words are… Dynamic. Meaning. Spelling. Familiar. Brand.
Starter Brand Bingo The word brand sounds so familiar that we now know what is being discussed before. Sentences contain syllables and stresses – think of these as the rhythm or ‘beat’. Logo
Write out the following words and split them into syllables: Backbone. Table. Machine. Blanket. Alone. Abroad. (Set it out like this – eg. ‘ Mon – ster’ (2 syllables)
Task One Write out the following words and indicate how many syllables each have and underline which syllable is stressed: A (Sometimes longer words sounds as if there is more than one stress) Consideration. Satisfactory. Electrification. Unreliability. (sometimes words belong to a family but a change of stress changes the meaning) B Photo. Photography. Photographic.
Task Two Write out the following word columns and highlight where there is a change in stress according to the change in meaning: A (Sometimes words have the same spelling but a change of stress changes the meaning) INvalid inVAlid CONduct conDUCT DEsert deSERT PERmit perMIT REfuse reFUSE B Write a short but dynamic sentence/phrase for each of these words showing that you understand their different meanings.