Bologna Process and Opportunities for Students Lika Shengelia, Intern National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE), 2015
More than a decade has passed since 29 European countries adopted an ambitious agenda of reforms with the view to create the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Main goals of this process were: To harmonize Europe's higher education systems, To increase the European dimension in higher education To increase students’ mobility among European countries To enable students to reach a qualification in shorter time To create certain tools and mechanism for comparability of national educational systems
Today, the Process unites 49 countries - all party to the European Cultural Convention and committed to the goals of the European Higher Education Area. The Bologna process involves representatives of higher education institutions, students, staff, employers and quality assurance agencies as well as international organizations European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO- CEPES
Member Organisations
Mobility Mobility of students and graduates is one of the core elements of the Bologna Process, creating opportunities for: personal growth, personal growth, developing international cooperation between individuals and institutions, developing international cooperation between individuals and institutions, enhancing the quality of higher education and research, enhancing the quality of higher education and research, giving substance to the European dimension. giving substance to the European dimension.
Opportunities for Students: Erasmus+ participation in activities abroad youth exchange voluntary service trainings job shadowing Who can apply young people aged between 13 and 30 youth organizations based in EU and outside the EU other stakeholders with an active interest in youth issues. find more information -
ProGeorgia is an search engine Is intended for those who are looking for funding to study abroad The target audience is: ○ Private person ○ Organizations For detailed information visit the website: search/
Recognition of Foreign Education To support mobility National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) offers Education Recognition services for students and graduates. Types of Education Recognition– Recognition of Foreign Education –
Recognition of Foreign Education Recognition is valid to:Recognition is not valid to: General Education Vocational Education Higher Education. Preschool Education (kindergarten) Residency (postgraduate medical training.) Education acquired in the frames of exchange programmes implemented by Georgian educational institutions upon the permission of the Center.
ENIC- NARIC Network NCEQE represents ENIC-NARIC Network in Georgia since 2010 The aim of the international network is to facilitate recognition of qualifications in all European countries
Quality assurance One of the purposes of the Bologna Declaration (1999) was to encourage European cooperation in quality assurance of higher education with a view to developing comparable criteria and methodologies. Their ultimate goal is to enhance the quality of teaching and research and grant quality assurance agencies a key role as protectors of the public interest. Ensure that students are equal partners in all quality assurance processes, including their governance, external and internal quality assurance procedures The Social Dimension should be embedded by including student support services within quality assurance processes.
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