Menno Langeveld Senior Consultant NEA
No country is landlocked for road transport!
Main results NELTI 1 Proven commercial viability Existing road infrastructure sufficient High levels of safety and security of road shipments; crucial role TIR system confirmed Many non-physical barriers for transport, however, still have to be removed (permits, customs regulations, visa formalities, extortion)
NELTI 2 vs NELTI 1 459 driver logbooks examined (2009 37) (2009 37) inclusion of the analysis of the Chinese transportation data (ADB) More data requested than in NELTI 1
NELTI 2 vs NELTI 1 37 road transportation companies from 13 countries have been involved in NELTI Phase 2: - Azerbaijan - The Republic of Belarus - Georgia - Kazakhstan - The People’s Republic of China - The Republic of Kyrgyzstan - The Republic of Moldova - The Russian Federation - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Turkey - Uzbekistan, and - Ukraine
NELTI 1 vs NELTI 2 The overall volume of freights transported during the period of implementation of Phase 2 of the IRU NELTY Project amounted to 9.2 thousand tons (NELTI 1 and 2= 13.4 thousand tons).
NELTI 1 vs NELTI 2 During the second Phase of the NELTI Project the number of international freight haulage routes increased. The Chinese and Afghan routes have been added to traditional Northern, Central and Southern routes.
NELTI Routes
Changes in Trade System The volumes of international road transport haulage in 2009 reduced in practically all directions, however some of them, notably China – Tajikistan, Europe – Afghanistan, and Central Asia – Afghanistan, show small growth figures.
Changes in Trade System Introduction in 2010 of the multilateral permit system from 1 January 2010 of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization (BSEC), will make it possible to enhance the efficiency of international road transport haulage and to streamline border crossing procedures
Changes in Trade System Activation of the work on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) multilateral agreement on creation of favourable conditions for international road transport haulage. With this agreement coming into operation, it will be possible to develop multilateral haulage to and from China
Changes in Trade System NELTI Phase 1 conclusion: “Road transport infrastructure inadequately developed in the Eurasian region”. IRU presented a "Model Highway Initiative" project (MHI) at the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank in Tashkent in May 2010.
NELTI 2 Results The average cargo movement speed along NELTI routes makes 18.4 km/h, ± 450 km per day. The reason for this low speed of freight delivery is the numerous stoppages on the way.
NELTI 2 Results The estimates are that the average speed with no downtime at the borders, but with the drivers having a night's rest increases up to 30.4 km/h (730 km a day). Thus, downtime at border crossing points results to a loss in the traffic dynamics equivalent to 280 km per day.
NELTI 2 Results The average amount spent by transporters in the form of official and unofficial payments for one round trip (excluding the amounts paid for night rest, meals and fuel) amount to US$1.600, out of which US$410 are bribery charges.
NELTI 2 Results The most critical situation was registered on the Southern route where the average bribe amounted to US$570 and Afghan route with US$510 of bribes. The most liberal route appeared to be the Central route, where the average bribe amounted to US$60 for one round trip.
NELTI 2 Results Safe and Secure Parking in Central Asia
Road Map Concrete recommendations for Eurasian countries aimed at facilitation of road transport and trade in the region Report presents detailed actions for every country
Road Map Modernization of the existing system regulating international transport haulage is aimed at provision of free transit. It is necessary to cancel permits for transit transportation especially their quantitative restrictions and payment for their issuance.
Road Map Transit movement should be free in accordance with Article V of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), irrespective whether the country is a WTO member or only in the process of negotiations on its accession to the Agreement.
Road Map Accession of the Euro-Asian states to UN ECE Transport Agreements is necessary in order to integrate their national transport complexes into the international transport system This is also recommended by the EU TRACECA project Land Transport Safety and Security
UN/ECE Agreements: AETR (digital tachograph) ADR (dangerous goods) CMR (insurance) Road Traffic Road Signs and Signals AGR
Thank you for your attention! Menno Langeveld Senior Consultant NEA Bredewater 26 Postbus 276, NL-2700 AG Zoetermeer +31 79 322 22 21 +31 79 322 22 11 /