Dr. E. Bekiaris - HIT Co-Worker “Collaborative working Environment for people on the move
2 HIT: 35 running EC projects, 11 as Coordinator, including 2 IPs. Lane Detection system Radar system Eye gaze sensor Eye lid Sensor 3 industrial PCs & control units Mirror with driver warning system
3 Previous record in the area Coordinator of IMAGE (Intelligent agents- based infomobility services). Coordinator of IT (Intelligent agents-based multimodal transport services). Technical Manager of ASK-IT IP (Intelligent agents-based service framework for MI people, including eWorking / eLearning application). Core Group partner in INTUITION NoE and VIRTHUALIS IP (on VR technologies).
4 Call: IST Call 5, IST-2.5.3, Task 1 Aim: To develop the next generation collaborative environment for mobile workers, taking into account their location, context of use, info access level, business needs and personal preferences. Main issues: Combination of ambient intelligence technologies (including intelligent agents, localisation and PPP technologies) with collaborative working (VR/AR application over mobile terminals). Co-Worker
5 User Needs (1/2) Distributed working Group Management: Team work coordination and company knowledge management (ERP) from a distance. Seamless work access: Ability to use allied facilities (i.e of another company, of the airport, etc.) for your work, with security and appropriate access levels. Virtual agent: Locate interesting actors for cooperation (i.e wihin an exhibition) perform “handshaking” and even organise automatically an appoitment.
6 User Needs (2/2) Traveling worker support: Multimodal, seamless and personalised guidance (on transportation routes and means, as well as meeting scheduling and re- scheduling). Scenario sharing and reproduction: Through mobile P2P and a wearable platform, the user requests knowledge, in the form of “how-to-do-it” and best practice “paradigms”.
7 Innovation Context awareness. Personalised service, according to the user dynamic. preferences and particular task requirements. Seamless service position. Semantic web search and P2P platform for open content access. VR/AR application into 3G mobile platforms.
8 Application areas Business Manager (staying seamlessly in touch with his/her team, getting reports, but also guidance to meeting places and hotels, etc.). Multimodal support in transport use case. Technical Personel (getting virtual support like “virtual trainer”, for maintenance tasks, as well as receiving detailed instructions, installation maps, etc.). Very rich content use case for VR/AR application. Travelling salesman (customised data on product to sell, including video, 3D pictures, etc.). The exhibition negotiation use case could fit here.
9 The architecture