Public Policy: Nigeria By: Nelson Gautier & Lukas Agnew
Influences on Policy and its implementation ●Power is concentrated in the presidency ○Outside input of power comes through channels established via patron clientelism ●Loyalty Pyramid- Senior officials supported by more junior officials; rather corrupt ○Backed by guns, making resistance dangerous ●Democratic rule facing difficulty in region ○Top-Down style of rule (Thanks Great Britain)
Supranational organizations OPEC Member ECOWAS Economic Community of Western African States; Nigeria participated heavily in this organization, similar to EU, focus on economic development and political cooperation UN 5th largest supplier of peacekeepers; temporary member of Security council
International Institutions & Policy Influencers African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States African Development Bank African Union Commonwealth of Nations Economic Community of West African States Food and Agriculture Organization Group of 15 G-19[disambiguation needed] Group of 24 Group of 77 International Atomic Energy Agency International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Chamber of Commerce International Civil Aviation Organization International Criminal Court International Development Association International Finance Corporation International Fund for Agricultural Development International Hydrographic Organization International Labor Organization International Monetary Fund International Maritime Organization International Mobile Satellite Organization International Olympic Committee International Organization for Standardization International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement International Telecommunication Union Interpol Non-Aligned Movement Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Permanent Court of Arbitration United Nations United Nations Conference on Trade and Development United Nations Economic Commission for Africa United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission United Nations Institute for Training and Research United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan United Nations University Universal Postal Union World Confederation of Labour World Customs Organization World Federation of Trade Unions World Health Organization World Intellectual Property Organization World Meteorological Organization World Tourism Organization World Trade Organization Nigeria is a member of 56 different International institutions, most notably: The WHO the WTO and the UN Influenced by: USA Neighboring countries
Economic Performance Composition: agriculture: 70% industry: 10% services: 20% Unemployment: 23.9% unemployment 171th lowest Poverty: 70% of the population below poverty line Inflation: 8.3% Exchange Rate: Nairas (NGN) per US dollar: % of exports are petroleum based GDP: $1.058 trillion 21st largest in the world GDP Growth rate: 7% per year (Up from previous years) 19th highest GDP growth rate in the world (Doesn't mean much USA is 157th simply because they are established democracies) GDP per Capita: $6,100 (177,155,754 people) Ranks it 159th highest GDP per capita Consumption: agriculture: 20.6% industry: 25.6% services: 53.8% Taxes: 3.8% of GDP Labor: million Labor force 11th largest in the world
Social welfare -Health No real complete health care system, there is some health care system in place but it is primarily in the south. Life years (Males Females 53.66) 36% of the population has no clean water & &0% lack proper bathrooms 3.17% of the people have AIDS/ 3.2 million 6.5% of the population 31% of children under 5 are underweight There are.41 doctors for every 1000 Many doctors from nigeria leave to work in other countries that offer more
Social welfare -Education Literacy rate 51% (Males 61.3% Females 41.4%) Expected years of schooling 9 years 29% of children 5-14 are in the labor force
Civil liberties, rights, & freedoms Press freedom index (0 is the best, us has 23.49) Suffrage is universal for those over the age of 18 Due to the divided nature of the country and large amount ethnicities ethnicities are semi protected no clear majority prebendalism Freedom of religion is present due to the large divide in the country LGBT relations are illegal and punishable to 14 years in jail Women/children still second class citizens 43% of women marry under 18 Lack of accountability leads to no repercussions Violents of the police that is often unprovoked
Environment ● Deforestation ● Soil degradation ● Heavy pollution caused by the fast rampant and un regulated urbanization ● Desertification ● Oil pollution o Oil spills o Unclean burning of oil ● Loss of arable land
Population & Migration ●Nigeria has the world's 7th largest population, at million people ●Very young population; median age is 19 ●Ethnic/Economic cleavages result from the disparity between the north and south ●LOTS of different ethnicities in the country ●North-South Ethnic/Economic difference ○North- Poor and Muslim ■Less educated ○South- Rich and Christian ■More educated
Terrorism ●Military action used against these organizations ●MEND (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta) ○Terror tactics used on petroleum industries ○Caused primarily by economic strife between Petroleum industries and local people ●Boko-Haram ○Terror Tactics used to kill those who don’t follow the Boko-Haram sect of Islam’s beliefs ○Spotlight recently: 200 missing girls ○Influence in the north
Corruption ●Nigeria having recently found democracy still experiences great corruption within the government; weather it being huge oil firms or rich executives, the nigerian government will go out of its way for those with money and also for the whim of those in power. ●Nigeria practices prebendalism ●CPI 27 (100 is good) ●There were major concerns regarding the elections so the Independent National Election Commission was created to be unbiased non partisan in its administering and regulation of elections. 63% of officials have admitted to taking bribes.
Current Major Issues ● Boko Haram o The terrorism they have initiated o Pairing with ISIS ● The exploitation of the oil rich countries ● Attacks against oil companies and ⅕ of oil productions being stole discourages foreign investment ● The AIDS epidemic ● peaceful transition of leadership following the recent election
#FlashBackFriday 1990-Present Unsuccessful coup to overthrow Babangida Babangida steps down Ernest Shonekan is interim ruler Ernest steps down for Defense Minister Sani Abacha Abacha died of heart attack, lifting the ban on political activity Obasanjo wins the presidency Sharia established in Northern states Ethno-Religious violence in the Plateau State INEC releases 27 electoral candidates Yar’Adua wins the presidency VP Goodluck Jonathan becomes President, following Yar’Adua’s death Muhammadu Buhari wins presidency
Comparison with other countries ●Compared with Mexico ○More military/population ○Lower GDP per capita and Literacy ○Both rather corrupt ○Less economically/politically developed ●Compared with other African countries ○Similar GDP per capita ○Higher GDP ○Larger population ○Slightly higher literacy rate ○Similar CPI and and freedom house indexes
The Future But actually: The future of Nigeria in my opinion is similar to the recent past of Iran and Mexico. The oil rich country will fall behind a strong executive who can't push through policy and guide the county to modernization and hopefully democratization. However the question arises as to who the chief exective will be; either a democratically elected leader or a terrorist regim of Boko Haram. Which one depends on the intervention of groups like NATO, the US and ISI and their African countries.