Johns Hopkins University
What is your nervous system?
I was misquoted!!! Albert Einstein
I didn’t mean it!!! Karl Lashley
“Use it or Lose it” That’s not my it?
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Your brain is the most metabolically active part of your body. Studying 2 ½ hours for an exam burns 305 calories. Running a 12 minute mile burns 264 calories.
>>> 3 kinds of cones2 kinds of cones 2 kinds of cones..but not a lot 1 kind of cone
The X chromosome codes for the M and L cones. There is more color blindness in men than women.
Normal BrainBrain on Drugs
Brain without DrugsBrain on Drugs
Diseases have symptoms Symptom – CRAVING - compulsion to use the drug(Psychological Dependence)
Ability to adapt to the environment…need your cortex. R = 0.38
Cross cultural Paralinguistic Affection Embarrassment Rosenzweig M.R. et al., Biological Psychology (2005)
Neil Carlson, Physiology of Behavior, 2001.
Kandel, Schwartz, Jessel. Principles of Neural Science, 2000
Endorphins Enkephalins Dynorphins Nocioceptin Endomorphins EndocannabinoidsAllopregnanolone
Endocannabinoids help us to learn. Hey…quiet down I am trying to learn.
Quiet….I am trying to sleep.
There are a number of chemicals in chocolate that activates your reward pathway.
There is a chemical in chocolate – theobromine - that dogs can not digest.