PLAN FOR PARAGRAPH 1:Republican Policies It can be argued that this led to the economic crisis because… 1. Start with an Opening Argument e.g. it can be argued that the economic crisis was caused by… 2. Put in Knowledge – Discuss Republican Policy 1: what does laissez faire mean & what does it lead to? 3. Put in Analysis – Explain what did this lack of regulation lead businesses to do & what they became vulnerable to? 4. Knowledge – Discuss Republican policy 2: What did tax reduction lead rich people to become & what did they do with the profits? 5. Analysis – Explain what was meant to happen for the working classes but didn’t & the effect it had – why did this effect the economy? 6. Evaluation – Make an evaluation, sum up what it created in the short BUT what it created in the long term
PLAN FOR PARAGRAPH 2 Over Production & Under Consumption It can be argued that this led to the economic crisis because… 1. Start with an Opening Argument 2. Put in Knowledge – Details of what was mass production is & why it benefited the poor with example e.g. Ford 3. Put in Analysis – Explain what happened within the market & why the boom would never last (focus on the rich) with an example e.g. too many hoovers 4. Knowledge – Give details of the other reason why the boom couldn’t last inequality e.g. (focus on the poor & blame the Republicans) 5. Analysis – Explain what this led to & the eventual effect it had 6. Evaluation – Therefore…blame the Republicans for over- production? Lack of …. Led to what in the short term & what in the long term?
1. Start with an Opening Argument e.g. poor foreign trade system 2. Put in Knowledge – Details of what the US did after their market became saturated e.g. name/date/% of tariff & what it was known as & why they did it 3. Put in Analysis – Explain why this hurt America in the long term (European loans) & why was this greatly needed back in the US? 4. Knowledge – Details of why money was due back to the US & what European countries did to pay back loans (all except who?) 5. Analysis – Explain why again this hurt America in the long term (trade - link this to paragraph 2 in detail) & explain what was happening in America at this time 6. Evaluation – how were the Republican policies to blame? What were they trying to do but what really happened? PLAN FOR PARAGRAPH 3 International Economic Problems It can be argued that this led to the economic crisis because…
1. Start with an Opening Argument 2. Put in Knowledge – Detail the problems within the banking system e.g. number regulated & what 2 things were not being checked 3. Put in Analysis – Explain which 2 types of risky practices this led to & why this was able to happen (blame the Republicans & un…) 4. Knowledge – Details of what the system created & why e.g. lots of …? With an example of the number of goods sold on credit. Also detail why a small bank might collapse & what occurred afterwards with other banks 5. Analysis – Explain why the Wall Street Crash impacted banks e.g. share speculation & the impact this had on the people of America 6. Evaluation – Overall, what type of practices were central to the crisis? What did the banks make themselves vulnerable to? How can you blame the Republicans – un…? PLAN FOR PARAGRAPH 4 Weakness of the Banking System It can be argued that this led to the economic crisis because…
1. Start with an Opening Argument 2. Put in Knowledge – Describe what the easy availability of credit led to & what was this known as? 3. Put in Analysis – Explain the problem with the soaring shock prices & what did this show about those investing in the market? & what were they vulnerable to? 4. Knowledge – Details of October 1929 & describe the impact of the crash had on the value of shares & on the banks 5. Analysis – Explain what savers & banks did in the panic. What had bank done that effect those who had not even invested? What impact did this have on America? 6. Evaluation – Overall, what the crash cause the banks to do? How can you link this to Republican polices – why are they to blame, un…? PLAN FOR PARAGRAPH 5 Wall Street Crash It can be argued that this led to the economic crisis because…