The formatting applied to a document can affect: › How the reader interprets the document › How easily the document is read › The overall impression of the document Proper formatting is crucial in creating a professional-looking document
Margins › White space around the text on a page › Affects the amount of text that a page can contain Smaller margins leave more room for text To change the margins Click Page Layout ⇒ Margins ⇒ Custom Margins
Indents › Decrease the width of lines of text in a paragraph › Often used to set off paragraphs such as a quotation Page Layout ⇒ Indent Left and Page Layout ⇒ Indent Right › Can also set by dragging markers on the ruler
Complete page 77-78
Space between paragraphs makes the text easier to read and helps distinguish where paragraphs begin and end. The default formatting for a paragraph is no space before (above) the paragraph and 10 points of space after (below) the paragraph. To change space before or after a paragraph › Page Layout ⇒ Before and Page Layout ⇒ After
Line spacing › Default is 1.15 lines of space › Double space adds more space between lines of text Click Home ⇒ Line and Paragraph Spacing
Complete page 80
Tabs › Used to position text within a line › Align text into columns of data Tab Stop › Specifies a location within the line of text › Default is every half inch To display the Tabs dialog box › Double-click a tab stop on the ruler › In the dialog box type the Tab Stop Position › Select the appropriate Alignment and then select Set › Repeat this process to create as many tab stops as needed
Select Vertical Text › Hold Down ALT key and drag mouse downward
Complete pages 82-83
Hanging Indent › The first line is farther left than the rest of the paragraph Used for lists, outlines, or bibliography pages Click the Paragraph group Dialog Box Launcher ⇒ Indents and Spacing tab ⇒ Hanging ⇒ type indent amount in the By box First Line Indent › The first line is farther right than the rest of the paragraph
Bulleted List › Each item is a separate paragraph formatted with a hanging indent › Select the items in the list Home ⇒ Bullets › Used when each item is equally important Numbered Lists › Show a priority of importance › Select the paragraphs in the list Home ⇒ Numbering Increasing Indents › To increase the indent of the bullets or numbers Click Home ⇒ Increase Indent button
Complete pages 86-87
Header › An area at the top of a page › Insert ⇒ Header Footer › An area at the bottom of a page › Insert ⇒ Footer Printed on each page of the document
To add a page number at the insertion point › Design ⇒ Page Number ⇒ Current Position If header or footer not yet created › Insert ⇒ Page Number ⇒ Top of Page/Bottom of Page/Page Margins Date & Time › Insert ⇒ Date & Time › Select Update automatically check box
Add a graphic or picture › Insert ⇒ Picture › Then apply format as needed (i.e. Center, etc.) › When inserted a Format tab is added to the Ribbon
Screenshot › Insert ⇒ Screenshot OpenType › Scalable font format that was developed by Microsoft and Adobe › Two or more letters combined into one character Right-click the selected text and select Font Select the Advanced tab and then select Standard Only in the Ligatures box
Complete pages 93-94
Pagination › How a document is divided into pages › To change insert a page break CTRL + Enter Insert ⇒ Page Break
Footnotes › Included in research papers to cite sources › Place the insertion point in the text where the footnote number should appear References ⇒ Insert Footnote Endnotes › Appear on the last page of a document › Common method of references for a research paper › Place the insertion point in the text where the endnote number should appear References ⇒ Insert Endnote
Complete pages 95-96
Template › Master document that includes the basic elements for particular types of documents › To create a template Type and format text in a new document Select File ⇒ Save As to display a dialog box Type the file name and select Word Template in the Save As Type list Click Save › To create a document using a template File ⇒ New ⇒ My templates
Complete pages 97-99
HTML › Hypertext Markup Language › File format for documents viewed using a browser › More versatile because Word is not needed to view it › File ⇒ Save As and then select Web page type in the Save as type list Click the Change Title button to give the Web page a descriptive title
PDF › Portable Document Format › Preserves document formatting › File ⇒ Save As ⇒ select PDF in the Save As Type list
Complete pages
Exercise 16 page 114