. Thematic Working Group 4 Possible Elements – Chapter VI: Constraints, gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs CGE Workshop to exchange views on possible elements to be considered in a future revision of the UNFCCC Guidelines for the preparation of National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention St. Mary, Antigua and Barbuda, March
Guidelines (17/CP.8) Survey Results Comparison of initial and revised guidelines for the preparation of National Communications Background material for workshop – framing questions Possible elements – Ch. VI REFERENCE MATERIAL
Findings: Over half of respondents found that it was “moderately“ to “very difficult“ to complete this section of the national communication The majority of respondents responded that it was “not at all“ to “slightly difficult“ to understand or use the guidelines relating to this section HOWEVER, some respondents stated that: Financing and gaps is such an overarching, extensive topic that it would be helpful if the guidelines were more specific as to how to present the information on this topic. Possible elements – Ch. VI SURVEY
Paragraph 49: Non-Annex I Parties should, in accordance with national circumstances and development priorities, describe any constraints and gaps, and related financial, technical and capacity needs, as well as proposed and/or implemented activities for overcoming the gaps and constraints, associated with the implementation of activities, measures and programmes envisaged under the Convention, and with the preparation and improvement of national communications on a continuous basis. Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISING THE GUIDELINES
General Comments: This paragraph contains too many elements and is somewhat unclear and difficult to interpret Possible revisions: Split the ideas in the paragraph into two separate paragraphs First part – constraints and gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs associated with the implementation of activities, measures and programmes Second part – constraints and gaps etc. associated with the preparation and improvement of national communications, continously Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS – PARAGRAPH 49
Paragraph 50: Non-Annex I Parties should provide information on financial resources and technical support for the preparation of their national communications provided by themselves, as well as those received from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Annex II Parties or bilateral and multilateral institutions. Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISING THE GUIDELINES
General comments: Currently, this information is reported in descriptive form and it is difficult to extract the important financing elements As well, there is no place for Parties to report the true costs of preparing the national communication Specific comments: It could be useful to include a table or series of tables in which Parties could indicate more precisely all financing sources and amounts Another table outlining in-country contributions would also be useful (e.g. Preparation costs, activity costs, data collection costs, etc.) Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR PARA. 50
Paragraph 51: Non-Annex I Parties should also provide information on financial resources and technical support provided by themselves and by the GEF, Annex II Parties or bilateral or multilateral institutions, for activities relating to climate change. Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISING THE GUIDELINES
General Comments: Currently, this information is reported in descriptive form and it is difficult to extract the important financing elements Specific Comments: Inclusion of a table or series of tables to better organize the information and make it more user-friendly could be helpful The table could provide examples of areas of activities to include Possible elements – Ch. VI PARAGRAPH 51
Paragraph 52: Non-Annex I Parties are encouraged to provide, to the extend their capacities permit, a list of projects proposed for financing, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 4, of the Convention, in preparation for arranging the provision of technical and financial support. Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISING THE GUIDELINES
General Comments: To make this type of reporting more informative, added detail could be helpful The term “projects“ could be broadened Specific Comments: Provide a concise list of mitigation actions (includes, but is broader than projects) in the main part of the communication with key information Supplement the list with an Annex containing more detailed information, in line with the areas provided in Article 12.4 i.e. Specific technologies, materials, equipment, techniques and practices to implement; incremental costs; estimate of benefits Possible elements – Ch. VI PARAGRAPH 52
General comments: There is a noted lack of request for information on adaptation actions proposed for financing Specific comments: To improve the balance of the Chapter it could be useful to add a new paragraph for adaptation actions, similar to the request for the list of mitigation projects in paragraph 52 Possible elements – Ch. VI NEW PARAGRAPH – e.g. Para. 52bis
Paragraph 53: Non-Annex I Parties may include information on opportunities for the implementation of adaptation measures, including pilot and/or demonstration adaptation projects, being undertaken or proposed. They may also provide information on barriers to the implementation of adaptation measures. They may include, as appropriate, information on how support programmes from Parties included in Annex II to the Convention are meeting their specific needs and concerns relating to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISING THE GUIDELINES
General Comments: This parapgraph is somewhat confusing as it mixes reporting concepts Specific comments: First sentence would be better placed in the adaptation section of the national communication (because it is about measures and projects) Clarify the meaning of “support programmes from Parties included in Annex II“ The broader categories (bilateral, multilateral, GEF etc.) from paragraph 50 would be helpful to improve clarity Possible elements – Ch. VI PARAGRAPH 53
Paragraph 54: With regard to the development and transfer of technology, non-Annex I Parties are encouraged to provide information on country-specific technology needs and assistance received from developed country Parties and the financial mechanism of the Convention and, as appropriate, on how they have utilized this assistance in support of the development and enhancement of enogenous capacities, technologies and know-how. Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISING THE GUIDELINES
General Comments: This paragraph mixes reporting concepts Specific Comments: Reporting on technology transfer needs would be better placed in Chapter V – Other Information in the sub-section on technology transfer (para.42) Tabular format reporting for technology assistance could be helpful Reporting elements emanating from the new Technology Mechanism (established in 1/CP.16) will need to be considered Possible elements – Ch. VI PARAGRAPH 54
Paragraph 55: Non-Annex I Parties are encouraged to provide information on other relevant needs and/or areas for dcapacity-building other than those mentioned in paragraphs 45, 47, 48 and 50. Possible elements – Ch. VI SUGGESTIONS FOR REVISING THE GUIDELINES
General Comments: This reporting element is somewhat broad and unclear Specific Comments: This paragraph could be improved if it were focused on capacity building needs and assistance (rather than other needs) Possible elements – Ch. VI PARAGRAPH 55
A Restructuring of Chapter VI Integrate – reporting on constrainst, gaps, needs and assistance for mitigation, and adaptation sections would move to the corresponding main chapters Mitigation – paras. 49, 52 Adaptation – paras. 49, 52bis, 53 Create – new chapters on technology development and transfer, and capacity building and integrate reporting on constraints and gaps etc Technology – paras. 42, 49, 54 Capacity – paras. 46, 49, 55 Possible elements – Ch. VI ALTERNATIVE APPROACH
Restructuring cont‘d Chapter VI would now be dedicated to needs, constraints and gaps relating to the preparation of the national communication Would include: para.49, 50 New paragraph on institutional needs for continuous preparation of national communications (relates to: 1/CP.16) Inclusion of a summary Annex compiling all the information on funding for activities (now reported in the main chapters) would be helpful Possible elements – Ch. VI ALTERNATIVE APPROACH cont’d
Possible elements – Ch. VI CONCLUDING REMARKS General Principles Regardless of the approach taken there is a need to: Consider the usefulness and purpose of the various reporting elements and tailor the guidelines accordingly Reduce repetition Improve clarity within the chapter and in relation to other chapters Provide sufficient detail to guide reporting, yet keep the elements simple wherever possible Consider the use of tables and annexes