English For Starters Composition
Writing Composition Write about yourself… Aims: 1- learn how to write personal information. 2- Format posts in the form of a short paragraph 3-Share information and interests among students insde and outside class.
We are going to write an on the given topic, please click on one of the following and discuss it with your mates:
What’s your name? How old are you? Ahmad 15… Samer 14… Please type your answers and share them on : And send them to your teacher’s Question one: NEXT
How many sisters have you got? How many brothers have you got? Samar Sameera… Nadia … Nader… Please type your answers and share them on : And send them to your teacher’s NEXT
What is your favorite hobby? Photography… Music… Please type your answers and share them on : And send them to your teacher’s NEXT
Do you like The internet? Why?.. Please type your answers and share them on : And send them to your teacher’s Send s Read news WWW