APAN eScience Workshop Introduction Chris Elvidge U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service, National Geophysical Data Center 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado USA Tel Fax August 27-28, 2003 Busan, Korea
Waves of Biological and Cultural Exchange Occurred Between Asia and the Americas Over Land Bridges During the Ice Ages Current Last Glacial Maxima
A Bering Strait Crossing Has Been Designed and May Eventually be Built
Transearth Highway 101!?!
Alternate Approach to Connectivity
The eScience Committee objective is to promote the development of eScience in the APAN community through: Three workshops (Busan, Honolulu, and TBD). Three workshops (Busan, Honolulu, and TBD). Report to APAN with specific recommendation on actions that would promote the expansion of eScience. Report to APAN with specific recommendation on actions that would promote the expansion of eScience..
Current eScience Committee Members Chris Elvidge/NOAA(Remote Sensing) co-chair Yukio Karita/ACFA-KEK(Physics) co-chair S Ninomiya/APAN Natural Resource Allen Rodrigo/Auckland(BioInformatics) IS Kang/SNU(Climate) IS Kang/SNU(Climate) BK Kim/APAN Secretariat-KAIST(Physics) BK Kim/APAN Secretariat-KAIST(Physics) Additional members - TBD Additional members - TBD
Workshop Format Status and future plans for building cyber- infrastructure. Status and future plans for building cyber- infrastructure. Government support for eScience. Government support for eScience. Enabling tools / technological advances. Enabling tools / technological advances. Scientific applications. Scientific applications. Exploration of commonalities. Exploration of commonalities. Discussion. Discussion.
Session One Building Cyber-Infrastructure and Supporting eScience 09:00 – 11:00 August 27 Jysoo Lee - Supercomputing Center of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Jysoo Lee - Supercomputing Center of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Satoshi Sekiguchi - Grid Technology Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Satoshi Sekiguchi - Grid Technology Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Jon LAU Khee Erng - Singapore National Grid Project Jon LAU Khee Erng - Singapore National Grid Project Ted Hans - Internet2 – USA Ted Hans - Internet2 – USA
Session Two Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) 11:00 – 12:30 August 27 Alan R. Whitney - Haystack Observatory, MIT, USA Alan R. Whitney - Haystack Observatory, MIT, USA Y. C. Minh, M.-G. Song, and H.-G. Kim - Korea Astronomy Observatory Y. C. Minh, M.-G. Song, and H.-G. Kim - Korea Astronomy Observatory Yasuhiro Koyama, Moritaka Kimura, Tetsuro Kondo - Communications Research Laboratory, Japan Yasuhiro Koyama, Moritaka Kimura, Tetsuro Kondo - Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
Session Three Engineering 14:00 – 15:00 August 27 SHEN Shuang Yang, TAN Hock Soon, TAN Kim Cheng School of Engineering, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore SHEN Shuang Yang, TAN Hock Soon, TAN Kim Cheng School of Engineering, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore Cheol-ho Lim, Seong-Wook Choi - KARI Smart UAV Development Center, Kum-Won Cho - Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Cheol-ho Lim, Seong-Wook Choi - KARI Smart UAV Development Center, Kum-Won Cho - Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Session Four Engineering 15:30 – 16:30 August 27 Dongchul Son - Kyongpook University, Korea Dongchul Son - Kyongpook University, Korea Sangsoo Kim - National Genome Information Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology Sangsoo Kim - National Genome Information Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology
Session Five Panel Discussion 16:30 – 17:30 August 27 Give us your ideas for an APAN eScience vision, who are we missing, what are great next steps!
Review August 27 eScience Workshop. Review August 27 eScience Workshop. Prepare matrix list of major scientific disciplines with eScience potential by data type (e.g. multiple disciplines rely on images). Prepare matrix list of major scientific disciplines with eScience potential by data type (e.g. multiple disciplines rely on images). Discuss options for joint workshop with US eScience community at Honolulu workshop. Discuss options for joint workshop with US eScience community at Honolulu workshop. Outline draft agenda of January 2004 workshop. Outline draft agenda of January 2004 workshop. Acccept volunteers for eScience Committee membership. Acccept volunteers for eScience Committee membership. eScience Committee Meeting - 07:30-09:00 August 28