The Four Seasons By: Whitnie Delaney
Essential Question How many seasons are there in a year? What are the names of the seasons?
Unit Question When is the Summer solstice? When is the Winter solstice? When is the Autumn equinox? When is the Spring equinox?
Expectations Students will be able to name all four seasons. Students will be able to distinguish between seasons. Students will know the different between a solstice and an equinox. Students will understand why the seasons change.
TEKS for Kindergarten 8a- observe and describe weather changes from day to day and over seasons. 8b- identify events that have repeating patterns, including seasons of the year and day and night.
Strategies I think this topic would be best to discuss as a group initially. After the topic is introduced, students should work in small groups to recreate the seasons on paper.
Instruction I think this topic would be best used with the direct instruction strategy.
Resources 112/ch112a.html 112/ch112a.html