SHE Code 25: ‘Safe use of Display Screen Equipment’ Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Group
This code should be read by: All users of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) – PCs, laptops, machinery or equipment with display screens … Very nearly if not all STFC staff !
Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Group SHE Code 25: ‘Safe use of Display Screen Equipment’
Why a DSE code? DSE is used by most STFC staff, tenants, facility users and long term visitors etc. Incorrect DSE use can result in long term occupational ill health. For example: musculoskeletal injuries to hands, arms, wrists, neck, shoulders and back, as well as headaches, eye strain, and fatigue. This code addresses the requirements of the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, amended 2002.
Directors to appoint sufficient DSE Advisors for Department needs All STFC staff, tenants, long term visitors etc should be considered DSE Users ( visitors when >2 days week for 3 months ) Managers to ensure that DSE Users undertake: DSE User training – now available on-line; and a DSE workstation Self Assessment - on SHE Enterprise – when setting up a new workstation, when the workstation changes significantly or when a problem is suspected Managers of DSE Users to address findings of DSE Self Assessments - where this is not possible seek advice of DSE Advisors Key features
SHE Training On-line DSE User training is available via the ‘SHE Website’ under ‘SHE Training’ ½ Day ‘DSE Advisors’ training - contact your local SHE training contacts: DL/RAL 8288; SO 2061; UKATC 8325 Further questions should be directed to SHE Group - Graeme Finlan, DL, 3147, RAL, Mark Roberts, DL, Matt Dickson, RAL, Rose Russell, SO, Linda Fisher, ATC, 413 Or Departmental Safety Contact
See “What’s new” at Bad back, stiff shoulders, headaches... from using DSE ? How’s your work station organised? ‘Safe Use of Display Screen Equipment’