Workforce Planning at Strategic and Practice Levels Marion Bennie Chief Pharmaceutical Adviser, National Services Scotland Chair, Scottish Specialists in Pharmaceutical Public Health
Outline Policy Competence and Capacity The Scottish Experience
Public Health Policy Review of the Public Health Function in Scotland (SEHD, 1999) Improving Health in Scotland : the Challenge (SEHD, 2003)
Pharmacy Policy The Right Medicine: a strategy for pharmaceutical care in Scotland (SEHD, 2002) Pharmacy for Health: the way forward for pharmaceutical public health in Scotland (PHIS, 2002)
Strategy Scottish Specialists in Pharmaceutical Public Health –Skills Development –Networks Levers – –Evolving new Community Pharmacy Contract and Planning process –UK Voluntary Register for Defined Specialists
Competence Education and Training –National training days : awareness raising –Needs assessment : practitioners and specialists –Distance learning materials to support new contract service Tools –Toolkits to assess pharmaceutical needs : out of hours and palliative care services –Information systems –Local service development packages
Educational Needs Assessment Assess the education and training needs of pharmacy practitioner to deliver public health service of the new contract Develop a formal programme of training to produce sustainable workforce of specialists in pharmaceutical public health
Competence Education and Training –National training days : awareness raising –Needs assessment : practitioners and specialists –Distance learning materials to support new contract service Tools –Toolkits to assess pharmaceutical needs : out of hours and palliative care services –Information systems –Local service development packages
Competence – hands on experience Smoking cessation Emergency contraception Oral cancer screening Men’s health MOTs Flu vaccination etc
Capacity Health Board and academic appointments Networking Designated training programme for Specialists Website
Conclusion NHS Workforce Planning Policy Healthcare Services Tools Strategic Practice Better health + healthcare for all Practitioners Education and training Experience + + +