A non statutory partnership of key public sector agencies Working cooperatively with our partnerships - ensuring that we all work towards a shared vision for Bath and North East Somerset Supporting the priorities and work programmes of local partnerships, including the Environmental Sustainability Partnership Supporting our partnerships to make connections and influence others in their work WHAT IS THE PUBLIC SERVICES BOARD?
Chair: Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council Chief Executive of Bath & North East Somerset Council Superintendent of Police Avon Fire & Rescue Service Chief Executive – Curo Housing Association NHS B&NES Clinical Commissioning Group Voluntary and community sector representative – Quartet Community Foundation Business representative – The House Education representative – University of Bath / Bath Spa University WHO ARE THE MEMBERS?
Bath and North East Somerset will be internationally renowned as a beautifully inventive and entrepreneurial 21 st century place with a strong social purpose and a spirit of wellbeing, where everyone is invited to think big – a ‘connected’ area ready to create an extraordinary legacy for future generations’. WHAT IS THE VISION?
The Public Services Board work programme will be framed by 3 key themes: Living Working Getting around Delivery of these themes will be carried out through a joint approach across our local partnerships, including the Environmental Sustainability Partnership (e.g. activity on sustainable transport, energy at home) HOW WILL THE VISION BE DELIVERED?
To ensure a shared approach to the delivery of this vision, the Public Services Board will work closely to support our partnerships (including regular discussions with our partnerships and officers) Time limited working groups will provide further input where appropriate e.g. Foxhill Core Group and the Economic Strategy external stakeholders group HOW WILL THE VISION BE DELIVERED?
How can the Environmental Sustainability Partnership support the Public Services Board and promote this vision through its work? How do the Environmental Sustainability Partnership work programmes contribute to the 3 key themes (living, working and getting around)? DISCUSSION POINTS