Prepared by Khoruzhenko L.
It’s more than a game. It’s an institution. ( Thomas Hughes) Play, play, for your locks will grow grey. ( Ch. S. Calverley) Гра – це величезне світле вікно, через яке духовний світ дитини вливається в життєдайний потік уявлень, понять про навколишній світ. Гра – це іскра, що розпалює вогонь кмітливості та допитливості. (В.О.Сухомлинський) З метою стимулювання реального спілкування між учнями, вчитель повинен відійти від традиційних уявлень проведення уроку і ширше впроваджувати в практику навчальні ігри та розваги для дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Маленькі діти вчаться через ігри, казки, вірші. Ігри допоможуть зробити складний процес навчання простішим, цікавішим і більш ефективним.
relaxing learning upbringing entertaining psychological communicative developing Functions of Gaming Activities
Table Games Guessing Games Role-plays Drama Games Memory Games Team Games Action Games Creating the Rule Games Up-to-date Games
Role-plays Phonetic Games Grammar Games Lexical Games Types of Games
It’s a good for the kinesthetic learners who need to be active in the class. Action games involve both left and right-brained learning. It is very memorable. It is really helps to combine language and movements. Finger Games “ Ten Little Soldiers”, “This is my little house”, “I have two eyes…”
Rhyme Divide into two groups. Your task is to match the words in the first line with words in the second line that rhyme. Read the pairs of words aloud. Run- fun Go-so See-me Come –mum Mouse-house
Sound Right Divide into three groups. A pupil of each team is to take one card with a verb, read the verb and place it according of the verb ending. For every correct placing the group gets one point. Off we go. [ s ] [ z ] [ I z ] Verbs: gets, reads, stands, watches, does, dresses, skates, swims, sings.
A Broken Sentence There are three teams. Each team has got a broken sentences. Your task is to make a correct full sentence. Mind the word order in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. For each correct sentence the team gets up one point. f.e. 1. go, does, Malvina, not, every day, to school 2. do, What, in the, you, evening, do 3. bedrooms, are, in our house, There, three
Pupils take different words from the box and choose the right adverb to them: much or many. Words: water, milk, apple, bread, butter, salt, tea, banana, onion, egg. Much or Many
At the Zoo The cage is empty. The animal hid. Let ’ s ask the Director of the zoo some questions to find out what animal lives here. Is it a wild or domestic animal? Is it big or little? What colour is it? Where does it live? What does it like to eat? What can it do?
What Is This ? -Is it a book?( pen, pencil, ruler) -Is it a bed? (sofa, shelf, chair, table) -No, it isn’t. -Yes, it is. It is a pencil. Who Is This ? -Is it a boy? -Is he tall or short? -What colour is his hair? -His face is oval, isn’t it? -Is this Max? -No, he isn’t. - Yes, he is.
I have a pencil. I have a red pencil. I have a thick red pencil. I have a thick red pencil in my bag. I have a thick red pencil and a pen in my bag. Snowball
Bellow are two groups of words. Find the word that differs from all other in each group. Odd One Out f.e. Ruler, pencil, rubber, pen, dress, exercise-book, book. Jump, open, write, picture, sing, dance, sit, draw.
Hidden Words Some names of animals are hidden among the letters. Find them and then read aloud. Who will be the first? abcatdtigerdefroghvelephantnbparrotjashoursekme Make as many words as you can from the given one. f.e. drawing – draw, win, in, wing
Chain words Use the last letter of the previous word and make another word. f.e. game-elephant-two-on-not-table- egg- girl-lamp
Role Plays Wide and systematic use role-play is one more way of stimulating the communicative motivation. The pupils are given various social and interpersonal roles. Using visual aids also helps me to motivate students ’ speaking, to develop their abilities, talents and imagination. To aid pupils ’ imagination costumes and some decorations can be made. Morning at the Department Store. In the Manager ’ s room At the working place At the Directory At the counter At the birthday party. Fragments from the fairy tales.
Bibliography. 1.Німчук Г.Б. Розважально-пізнавальні ігри на уроках англійської мови. Англійська мова і література. №28, Чепурна М.В. Рольова гра – один з основних засобів особистісно орієнтованого навчання. Англійська мова і література. №22-23, Нижник Н.Н. Reaching out to children. Англійська мова і література. №25, Терехова Л.В. Ігри на уроках англійської мови. Англійська мова і література. № 32, Анікєєва І.П. Гра на уроках англійської мови. Англійська мова і література. № 19-21, Douglas Allan Confused and Reluctant Minds. English. № 20, Kireieva N. Communicative Motivation. English. № 9, 2006.