Four Basic Comma Rules
Compound Sentences 1. Insert a comma between two independent clauses (sentences) that are joined with a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) Sentence __________, conjunction _sentence__________. for and nor but or yet so The hummingbird fluttered close to the feeder, but it never took a drink of the sweet nectar.
Commas After Introductory Dependent Clauses and Phrases 2. Use a comma after a long introduction at the start of a sentence. Introductory information, ___sentence(independent clause). Participial Phrase Driving along a sandy lane in a rural area of upstate New York, we spotted a stray puppy. Prepositional Phrase On our way to upstate New York, we spotted a stray puppy. Dependent Clause When we spotted a stray puppy on our way to upstate New York, we stopped to pet it and give it a drink of water.
Commas to Set Off Non-essential Information 3. Use commas to set off “grammatically unnecessary information from the rest of the sentence. Sen , grammatically unnecessary information, tence. Mrs. Blades, my English teacher, is fat. My uncle Jim, the youngest of my uncles, graduated first in his class.
Commas After Each Item in a Series 4. Use a commas after each item in a series. Main sentence item one, item two, item three. Yesterday we saw kids playing, old men sitting, dogs napping, and women talking.