A Menagerie of Words A WOTV project 3 rd & 5 th Period Classes
Magnificent List of Mal Your task is to complete all of the following activities using this week’s list of vocabulary words. Each block is worth 10 points each. MALADY Find 3 maladies that being with the letter M. MALODOROUS Draw a COLORFUL picture of 3 different things that would be malodorous. MALEDICTION Think of a book you’ve read or a movie you’ve seen where a character muttered a malediction. Record the malediction here. MALIGNANT Describe the difference between a malignant tumor and a benign tumor. Bonus: How many other words can you find that include this root word? On another sheet of paper, write the word & definition! You will receive 1 point extra credit for each word – up to 10 words!
MALEVOLENCE Describe how malevolence was the root of WWII. MALPRACTICE Research to find a case of malpractice. Record the facts of the malpractice case here. MALAPROPISM Research famous malapropisms and record on here. MALEFACTOR List 3 stories and the malefactor in the story. MALICIOUS Make a list of 3 other people in history who have exhibited a malicious attitude towards others. MALARIA List 3 or more symptoms of malaria.