ACTIONS: Use teamwork as a strategy to: 1.Complete mapping of course learning outcomes to IHB program competencies and Vision & Change core competencies. 2.Create Pre/Post test using external, validated instruments. 3.Implement team advising for more effective mentoring. 4.Discuss IHB program with Community College representatives in the region. 5.Identify professionals to serve on external advisory committee. Host open house for regional Community College Instructors. Implement Pre/Post-testing. Form external advisory committee. V&C Competency Program Competency How the Competency is included in the program METHODS & RESULTS BACKGROUND AND ACTIONS NW Biology instructors Conference 2015 Rebecca Rashid Achterman, Lynelle Golden, and Diane Spicer Expanding the VISION for Integrated Human Biology School of Natural Health Arts and Sciences, Bastyr University, Kenmore WA AIM – Create a larger learning community and improve alignment of the Integrated Human Biology (IHB) program with Vision and Change. This work was supported in part by an NSF RCN UBE award # FUTURE GOALS Table 1. Integrated Human Biology Program Competencies I. Use mathematics and quantitative reasoning appropriately to describe or analyze natural phenomena. II. Demonstrate understanding of the scientific process and describe how scientific knowledge is developed and validated. III. Demonstrate understanding of basic physical principles and apply these principles to living systems. IV. Demonstrate understanding of basic principles of chemistry and apply these principles to living systems. V. Demonstrate knowledge of how the 4 categories of biological molecules contribute to the structure and function of cells. VI. Demonstrate an understanding of the link between structure and function at all levels within a living organism: molecular, microscopic, and macroscopic. VII. Explain how internal environments are maintained in the face of changing external environments. VIII. Demonstrate an understanding of the theory of evolution by natural selection. IX. Demonstrate an understanding of the biological basis for human behavior. X. Demonstrate an understanding of the connection between the human organism and the biosphere as a whole. XI. Communicate effectively within and between scientific disciplines and with nonscientists. Table 2: Mapping program competencies to Vision & Change The Integrated Human Biology program at Bastyr University was launched in 2012 in response to initiatives to improve undergraduate life sciences education. The program is a 2-year completion degree that teaches concepts in physiology, anatomy, cell biology, and biochemistry in an integrated course series. Inquiry-based laboratories, research methods courses, and a proposal-writing course emphasize the scientific process. Students are encouraged to participate in research projects, and most students take advantage of this opportunity. The program competencies (Table 1, items I-X) were designed to align with Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians: Report of the AAMC-HHMI Committee 1, but alignment with Vision & Change 2 had not been measured. In order to determine program alignment with Vision & Change, faculty members were recruited to participate in competency mapping following the strategy shown in Fig. 1. Course objectives were mapped to IHB program competencies, and the coverage of Vision & Change core competencies was identified (Table 2). An unintended consequence was the identification of a skill covered in many courses that was not included in the original program competencies. The result was the creation of program competency XI (Table 1). Acknowledgements We thank Lev Elson-Schwab, Don Messner, and Cindy Wenner for their participation in competency mapping. Figure 1 Mapping Strategy Course Assessments Course Learning Outcomes IHB Program Competencies Vision and Change Competencies References 1 Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians: Report of the AAMC-HHMI Committee. 2009: ysicians%20%20Report2% pdf 2 Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action. 2009: